
Member Since: 11-Oct-06
Location: US
Posts: 9
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Photos Are not Loading!
I get half a page, then nothing if I click on a photo. Is anyone else having this problem?

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not recently, but when the upgrades to the site were being done a while back, something similar happened with videos - they wouldn't load or play if they did load. it took about a week before it got fixed then.

also, the problem could be in your system - i'd log off the site first, then, if you haven't already rebooted your computer, try doing that, & then log back on & see if that works. sometimes your computer may lose its "handshake" with the server & that can cause a problem like you're having...

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Member Since: 11-Oct-06
Location: US
Posts: 9
Forum Level:
Just getting started
Thank you. Everything is working now.

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