
Member Since: 28-Aug-05
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Did anyone have a enema and post the pic on the wet and messy post? How did the enema feel. Let's post a enema photos love to see enema pictures.

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Member Since: 14-Jul-05
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Great Fun
You really should try enemas as fun yourself. Great for a raining day with another person, but best played with another male. You can give and receive till you just cant hold another drop. But then you do.
1st prise could be a cunt licking or a blow job.

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Member Since: 27-Sep-07
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Looks good to me
I would love to try it with some one, Can I get some help?

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I did - just check...

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enema pics
Yes i enjoy cleaning myself out with a good warm mineral oil enema! I have also posted pics in the funny section because i like to make guys laugh and my pics always have a humorous twist to them! So check them out and have a laugh on & at me! grin

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the joy of a warm douche


i love enema's
I love the feel of that water as it explores your insides.Going deeper inside you.

the warm water one is different from ice cold.

Warm water makes you think this is esay as it fills the rectum,
(Let it go a few times to wash out anything in you before you try the real thing)

Then let it flow and clamp your cheeks together with your hands, or with a friend or enemy is better.

You sweat, i can't take this. GOD STOP I am bursting. Well you don't because you relax a little and the next thing you know it's going up inside you.

Then you sweat again as it goes deeper and you wonder how much you can hold
Every time you relax it seems to go deeper and its better becsue ther isn't so much pressure on the bladder.

The fun part is letting go.

You need a toilet, well I DID, and it goes on forever and you really don't want to breath too deeply. The first flush ............

well you feel drained and please don't do this again, and in a few minutes, because you DO, you lay down and take it again.

Its easier and you take on more warm water and i did go to the pan again.

Yes you try agin and it is easier and there is more water and it is bloody GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then you let it go whilst laying down and that is really fun . you control it and it is only water and the feeling is wonderful.warm water EVERYWHERE

i don't recommend tooo many times but try as many as you like.

Cold, cold water is basically the same as it flushes you out but inside you can feel the water going in and up it IS a WEIRD feeling! i won't say it hurts. it distresses you so ... again, the sweats and i won't do this again, but you do, i did that 4 times and really felt very strange inside, took an hour to stop leaking and the warmth to get back to me. It felt like an hour, but wasn't.

Best done with a sadistic friend who likes to see you hurt.
I mean that. don't have someone who says Ok we'll stop

you need someone who says f... u! and keeps it goping

If you dont have a friend then you can try with the shower hose, dont rip your hole with the bare end, there are nozzles which fit on the shower. These are good


don't be a whimp DO IT

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hmmmm... if that was anyone but you, bendme, I might have just shrugged that idea off.

Now, I'm wondering... perhaps I should try this grin

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more please


give it a try

it is really good

Just take the hose connection off the shower.
warm temperature
open your hole with your finger and slide the hose in

You should be sitting on the toilet to let it all go until you are at least cleaned out in there.

keep pointing the hose in all directions, You'll KNOW when it hits the male 'G'spot.

Grip the hose with your muscles but don't over fill yourself on the first go.
you can build up and take more

take it easy and probably, like me, you'll want to do it at every chance.


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Member Since: 13-Jan-08
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I love giving myself enemas (and i'd love to have someone else give them to me). It feels so good filling myself up.

One easy way I used is just putting a hose inside of your hole, take big sips of water, put the other end in your mouth and blow it in. Then just put your finger over the hose's hole, and repeat.

I'd love to trade pics and more, if anyone's intrested.

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Love a good cleansing enema!
I enjoy a good cleansing enema before sex. I also enjoy sharing: giving and receiving enemas from my sexy Gurl friends! It's a must to have a good enema before sharing anal sex or oral love with another Gurl's anus! When I taste a guy's anus, I want to tast just his anus and not anything else! Thanky you very much!
MMMMM! Yummy! Love you hot Gurls! XXXXXXX Robbie / Roberta jerk bounce

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Member Since: 3-Dec-05
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Hosing yourself
I built a extra large shower stall so that I can have a freind in the shower w/me. The screan over the drain move away so whewn I give myself an enera I can be standing and aim for the drain. My aim is quite good over the years. The other pleasre is the hand held shower head that I remove from the hose & fill myself with warm water. After cleaning myself out I enjoy pushing the hose as far as I can, almost 3 ft. With the water running I fill myself & release pushing the water out on the floor, still standing. I love to get very deep & feel the water rasing into me & flowing out of me at the same time. The feel of that warm water raising around & blowing out is almost leg weakening. Enamas are great.

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Member Since: 26-Apr-09
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Right on - i absoluteley love the enema - have a look at me pics, lets talk enemas..

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Member Since: 5-Apr-08
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I've een giving myself enemas for years, I really luv the feeling! And I really like to be clean before someone goes inside me.

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Ooooh fantastic.
Got really horny reading all that!
I love a good flushing. I used to have a 50-liter plastic drum which I would place on a table in my wet-room. I would lie on several towels and , on my side , let that clean , warm water flood into me. It would come out the thick tube at about 1 pint every second in the open air. The level I chose was perfect to just give enough pressure for my ass to open up and take a big load - and then close itself until the next spasm. Fucking wonderful - eventually it just explodes out of me - and then I take even more next time. This goes on for hours and maybe three full drums of water. I'm generally lurching round the wet-room on poppers -wildly squirting the contents of my ass everywhere whilst wanking and pissing in my own face.
To do that with another dirty fucker would be fun but , unless you are into scat - then the initial emptying of someone else's bowels might not be for all.
Myself , I really don't mind cleaning a guy's cock after it's been in my bum. I've got used to it and really like it with one regular guy - who I recently started rimming too , after several years of acqaintance.
Not sure about him emptying his ass near me. Although once a guys ass is clean - I would have no problem pissing up there and letting him squirt it in my face and mouth.
Call me fussy if you like!!!!

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Love the feel of warm water filling me up and is the perfect way to make sure of an empty bowel if any anal fun during a visit to a sauna is on offer !

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Member Since: 25-Feb-07
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I love an enema from time to time, feeling the warm water filling me up is such a strange turn on but as mentioned before something that you do again and again. Then when your full and have held it inside you for a short while the feeling of releasing it is, Oh so nice. I usually do the first 1 or 2 over the toilet to clean myself out, then a few more in the shower as I rub and play with myself.
This is a must before rimming and while I've never tried giving, I would insist on a nice clean bunnyhole before I did.

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I like to try and hold the fluid in as long as possible, before I have to rush to the toilet and expel with great force ! rolleyes

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Member Since: 20-Nov-12
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When I give myself an enema, I sometimes like to try and keep it in longer with tampons. They obviously swell up on contact with the water and make teir own plug. Wondeful! thumbup

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Only problem with posting an enema photo or video is that the content of what you expel may contain shit, this site has a ban on posting scat in any form, you may find yourself at odds with the rules of NBN ?

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Member Since: 28-Dec-09
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I do an enama before being fucked, as a courtesy.

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banger212001 said: I do an enama before being fucked, as a courtesy.

Yes it does help to have a good clearout first !

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I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who enjoys this!!!

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I love all forms of anal fun ! love rolleyes love

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Member Since: 10-Dec-06
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I have a douche bulb, use it in the bubble bath, sometimes standing up in the shower. Feels so fucking good running dirty at first, clean later. I like my pussy clean, personal preference smile Train my students on it. Erotic and romantic. A gurlfriend gave me a deep enema. She likes my ankles on her shoulders.

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Member Since: 1-Nov-11
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good to be clean
I have douched and done the enema and it is a rush and help maintain cleanliness, I have never done either with another person tongue

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Member Since: 25-Nov-05
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I have a bulb syringe and the 2 quart bag, I love them both, I have been putting 2 or 3 drops of spearmint extract in along with the water. It feels really nice and does leave a great scent.

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Member Since: 10-Jan-09
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I love enemas a must for anal play in my opinion. Look up some recipes and try them all but do a lot of research first. I can't stress enough how much cleaner enemas make anal play whether alone or with a partner. During anal play there is always a chance of a accident but if you take a proper enema there is almost no chance of the unfortunate mess. you'll have to do a series of enemas until there is no more poop coming out and water is clear. After the water comes out clear one of my favorite thing is to add some form of lubricant to the enema mix I usually like mineral oil or vegetable oil but you have to be careful of how much you add to the mix or you'll be leaking oil for days and should probably do another series with water when you're done. The mineral oil will keep your rectum feeling well lubed and I can't tell you how much more comfortable any kind of anal play will feel if you add more lube on top of the mineral oil.

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Member Since: 19-Jul-15
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love enema play. I have been doing it for years. I have a douche bulb, and a rubber bag for more volume. I mount my nozzle on a stand and let the nice warm water run up inside of me. then let it leak back out. very partner is a real crazy for enemas. I give him one when he asks for it. we have even done enema intercourse. that's another story! bounce

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Member Since: 9-Nov-10
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Flavored enemas
Wondering and wanting to experiment. Has anyone tried coffee or wine in an enema? Was there an immediate caffeine or alcohol effect? How strong was it? Do you recommend watering it down? Finding enemas great for solo fun, learning how much I can hold and how deep to go. I am sure many of you gurls have found the erotic experience of filling, holding and expelling,

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Member Since: 15-Oct-18
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There is nothing like your partner giving you an enema as a prelude to a good fuck. It gets me all excited and warms me up in anticipation of his hard cock sliding into my clean pussy.

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Member Since: 25-Feb-24
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first enema
My mother gave me my first enema when I was just a young kid . After that I would give them to myself often when I went into the bathroom . I loved the feeling of being filled with the warm soapy water , thats also about the time I figured out if stuff came out other stuff could go in. And so began my lifelong journey into anal play and bisexuality.

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