
please put a limit on number of photos postable !
Some people are monopolising the site with tens of thousands of photos posted : this makes it very difficult to search for other people (I was checking on mature men category and see mostly two or three people only).
It seems a reasonable thing to limit the number of photos one person can post. Otherwise, site unusable.

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i think that you may be referring to me when you mention "tens of thousands" of photos posted, because as far as i know i have more uploaded here than anyone else. but that is not my fault or problem; it only means that other people are not posting ENOUGH!

as of this morning i had a total of 29.039 photos & videos posted, out of a total for the entire site of 1.084.174 combined pics & vids - that's is only slightly more than 2.6%, so there's no way i am "monopolising" the site!

there are several reasons i post so many things; here are the two main ones: 1, i have many friends who like to see me post & keep asking me to do so - in fact, they want me to post even more pics than i do, & since it REALLY turns me on & gets me hot to have others seeing me playing with my friends & wearing lingerie i plan to continue doing so; 2, i REALLY enjoy the site & have ever since i joined more than 6 years ago & felt THE most comfortable & welcomed here than i ever had been anywhere else, so i almost immediately went premium and have kept on re-upping ever since, & currently have more than 3 years left until my next renewal will occur.

if you only see me & my friends under the "mature men" category, maybe you're looking in the wrong category, or possibly others aren't categorising their pics properly, or maybe no one else is posting anything that you are interested in seeing! in any of those cases, the solution isn't for me to post less pics - it's for others to post MORE! and if you are upset or concerned about it, then try to do YOUR part to get more people uploading the types of pics or videos you want to see, instead of complaining about people "monopolising" the site!

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It's almost 3%.
What the hell are you thinking?
Another 30 like you and that's all anyone would ever see in the entire pics-section.
Five screen-caps of the same view - oh look , he's moved his foot.
It's just mindless - you can't defend it.
Would not posting videos be a better-option? That way you get 25 frames a second.

Eager you have every-right to post what you like - but then the OP and myself have every-right to criticise your apparent daily-domination of the pic-section - although , unlike me , the OP didn't name anyone in particular.

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all right, Re, if you want to get picky, it's 2.67% - and if there were 33 more like me, then there would be one HELL of a lot more pics & videos posted here! if you don't like what i do, then don't look at my posts - that's all you have to do. dirtysoles has beena mamber sind mid-2004 and has a total of 14 pics online here - WOW, really a lot, isn't it!

i'm usually a pretty easy-going kind of guy, live & let live type - but i think all of this pissing & moaning about other people's pics - as long as they are within the guidelines set by the site administrators - is a bunch of malarkey! get over it!!!

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and as far as "too many of the same type of screen caps" comment - i have been asked many times, by many of my friends who aren't premium members to do things like that so they can get a sense of what the videos show without being premium. and there really aren't that many as you seem to believe. again, GET OVER IT! i don't fuss at you or bitch when you post pics that are fuzzy, don't whine about mine unless you have something more than this to bitch about!

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oh - and the last pic posted by dirtysoles was in early February 2007, over 8 years & 3 months ago, & he appears to have never been a premium member at any time whatsoever. wow, he really contributes a lot to the site, doesn't he! he can gripe all he wants - that's his right - but i don't need to listen to his pissing & moaning or pay any attention to it, when everything i'm doing is within the guidelines set up for the site - OUR site! - by admin. maybe he should move over to NDN so he can find something to look at there that is more interesting to him...

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The fact that you are in denial doesn't change my view of your boring , repetitive pic uploads. About fucking time I told you.
The fact that you pay to be a member is your concern - don't spew it out like some bargaining-chip.
I've been asked before not to fuck-off the paying members - but you are really taking the fucking piss.
You speak with your true-colours above like some nasty little , petty-minded fucking jobsworth.
Now go and stick that up some mods ass and make their day.

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Although you're probably too busy doing 961 screen-caps to take your total to 30,000.

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Uh hum
I see NO reason to get so personal here.

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No you're right Brenda.

It could be any cunt with 29,039 pics.

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