
Member Since: 5-Jun-07
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Why are my nude pics being deleted?
I’m very disappointed that a pic I posted this morning has already been taken down by a moderator. To my knowledge, the picture wasn’t indecent by this site’s standards(it was a pic of my girly little dick, soft). I don’t know how it could’ve offended anyone. This makes the 2nd time in less than a month that a pic I posted was removed. I took a special nude of my pretty little clitty covered in my own orgasm that I posted for my Xmas wish to everyone. It got removed. I’m just very dissatisfied with the handling of this. It seems bush league to me and makes me wonder if I want to continue posting. It would be nice if the moderator who removed the pics in question would send me a private message with an explanation as to why. I’m also wondering if any other members are having a similar problem. Thanks for listening.

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I can understand how you feel, but the site rules are clear - you must show something feminine in your photos & videos that are uploaded. For example, if you had posted that same photo while visibly wearing stockings, or perhaps open-crotch panties, it would NOT have been taken down. The rules do need to be followed - and by the way, i am not the moderator that removed the photo, but i did check & see why it was taken down.

Please keep posting more pics, but remember to have something visibly feminine in your photos..


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Here is the relevant guideline, taken directly from the SITE RULES"

"Show men without female attire (NewDudeNudes is for these)"

All of the rules can be checked by clicking on "Rules" at the bottom of each page, where it says Help/ Contact | Rules |Terms of use etc...

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Member Since: 11-Oct-06
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Does anyone know why toeyxxx's photos were removed?

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i checked after i read your question and none of his photos were removed by a moderator, so he must have taken them down himself.

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Member Since: 11-Oct-06
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Thank you, Janine!

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Member Since: 11-Oct-06
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Sorry, I misspelled your name, Jeanine!

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i have noticed that there are pics being uploaded by a user "lukkyyxxx" that look a lot like the ones he had been posting - you might want to check those out...and if someone mis-spelling my name ius the worst thing that happens to me this week, i'll be a lucky slut, don't fret yourself about it ;-D

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I checked her out and it definitely is not her. Thanks for forgiveness about the know how some people are about their names!

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Member Since: 7-Aug-17
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Slut_Jeanine said: I can understand how you feel, but the site rules are clear - you must show something feminine in your photos & videos that are uploaded. For example, if you had posted that same photo while visibly wearing stockings, or perhaps open-crotch panties, it would NOT have been taken down. The rules do need to be followed - and by the way, i am not the moderator that removed the photo, but i did check & see why it was taken down.

Please keep posting more pics, but remember to have something visibly feminine in your photos..


Yeah, well that may BE the rule but it was pretty easy to find pics today with just flesh, nothing "feminine" in them in "Dicks", "Rear Ends", "Devices" and "Close ups" after I found this thread wondering why a couple of my nice close-ups were deleted sometime earlier today. I guess one could "project" that those posters must've been feeling "feminine"......just sayin.

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i don't know which users you're talking about having those kind of NON-feminine pics posted here, but if any of the 3 or 4 active moderators (like myself) had seen them, they WOULD have been taken down.

You can help us keep things under control here by alerting us when there are photos or videos posted that violate the site rules; use the ALERT box that's right underneath where photos are rated, & that will let us know that a photo or video needs to be checked out & removed - we don't play favorites or give people a pass on this. I've even had some of my own photos removed because i inadvertently posted photos without any feminine attributes...

or you can just PM me about them, but it's easier all around if you use the ALERT button

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Slut_Jeanine said: i don't know which users you're talking about having those kind of NON-feminine pics posted here, but if any of the 3 or 4 active moderators (like myself) had seen them, they WOULD have been taken down.

You can help us keep things under control here by alerting us when there are photos or videos posted that violate the site rules; use the ALERT box that's right underneath where photos are rated, & that will let us know that a photo or video needs to be checked out & removed - we don't play favorites or give people a pass on this. I've even had some of my own photos removed because i inadvertently posted photos without any feminine attributes...

or you can just PM me about them, but it's easier all around if you use the ALERT button

If I found them in a quick search yesterday then surely anyone else could've. I am a sort of "live & let live" person, or maybe "inclusive" would be another term, and have never flagged anyone's posts and won't start now.
I was unaware of the "feminine" rule until I found this thread, now I have a better understanding of the nature of what I'm not allowed to post here.

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Just to be sure I took a look around NDN today which is where the moderators say to post "banned" photos. Seems they're much more inclusive over there and don't have any problem allowing pics with a "feminine" side. Actually, judging from the ratings, some seem to be very well received. Seems they understand that naked guys not in a dress might like seeing a guy in one. Too bad the same inclusiveness for that, or the reverse, isn't manifested here.
I'm not posting to poke a sharp stick at anyone here, just sharing my genuine surprise at how non-inclusive this group of men is compared to that group of men.

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well, THAT is sure news to me, for one. The usual thing that happens when someone posts a photo on NDN that has ANY feminine aspects is immediately deleted - there's at least one moderator on that site that literally HATES anything display of femme attire & he also sends nasty messages about it to anyone who posts them At least that's been my experience - i'm not a moderator there so i don't know which one it is, but the reason for there being a separate site as NDN from NTN is because there were & i'm sure still are members who got into huge disputes on the old site before they were split up into separate ones (this happened a couple of years back or so) . Those users were VERY intolerant of ANY femme pics & kept complaining about it, so finally to settle things down, the owner of this group of sites split them up.

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midwest said: Just to be sure I took a look around NDN today ... Seems they're much more inclusive over there and don't have any problem allowing pics with a "feminine" side.

I'm quite startled to hear that. I haven't been there for a couple of years, but back in 2016 or thereabouts they were pretty damn ferocious about enforcing the "no fem" rule. Guess things have changed some!

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Slut_Jeanine said: well, THAT is sure news to me, for one. The usual thing that happens when someone posts a photo on NDN that has ANY feminine aspects is immediately deleted - there's at least one moderator on that site that literally HATES anything display of femme attire & he also sends nasty messages about it to anyone who posts them At least that's been my experience - i'm not a moderator there so i don't know which one it is, but the reason for there being a separate site as NDN from NTN is because there were & i'm sure still are members who got into huge disputes on the old site before they were split up into separate ones (this happened a couple of years back or so) . Those users were VERY intolerant of ANY femme pics & kept complaining about it, so finally to settle things down, the owner of this group of sites split them up.

The truth is that we received a huge amount of abuse from the gay crowd.
The site owner began this offshoot , and gave everyone the option to join the new site. But whilst retaining their membership of the old one.
So there was no splitting of anything.

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The problems then came afterward.
Perhaps because the new site was doing quite well , we had a deluge of “admirers” wanting to be here. They brought with them a deluge of disembodied cock-shots and ass pics.
A line had to be drawn somewhere , and certain broad-stroke moderators took a hard-line , and deleted pics by the thousand , every day.
Even panty-boy pics were being rejected , in the interests of some kind of feminine “purity” - which I personally agree with.
We have exceptions on this site , who are positive contributors , and do much for the good-feeling of fellow-users. You know who you are , and have given much to the site - even if you don’t cross-dress.
But as you can imagine , the initial blurred lines had to be drawn quite firmly , if the site was to survive.

In no way were we reacting to any bad treatment of our Gurls by hard-factions of the gay world. Once we were here , we simply switched off from them , and concentrated on how best to sustain what we now had.
Changes were made , and unfortunately some of these weren’t for the best.
There was a shortage of mods , which didn’t help matters.
Every pic deleted had to have a reason. The workload was huge.
At this time , some questionable mods were appointed. Ones that had a very blinkered vision of how the site should proceed. They certainly alienated a proportion of the site , and mod-privileges were adapted to suit their particular deranged approach!

At that time (7 years ago or more in fact) , moderators had no powers to individually gag members. This was brought in later , for convenience , but unfortunately that particular luxury was abused - by ranting mods that are happily no longer here. One malicious report to a mod-friend could easily result in a permanent ban from the site - with no-one else knowing what was said , or if anything actually occurred.
Since mods were also allowed to delete forum posts , they could cover their tracks , and claim they were doing the right thing - lying through their teeth in Status to rally others round in an unfounded hate-campaign against the member , who had no way of replying.
Utterly disgusting behaviour.

Now , I personally campaigned for various changes. The main one being quality over quantity , as regards pic-posting.
That we include the “feminine” aspect in all our pics , is very important - as it confirms our direction - wherever you look.

We reject close-up , prolapsing bum-holes - disembodied soft-cocks smaller than the fingers holding them. However , the sight of a dishevelled tranny , covered in spunk , with a totally wrecked bum- hole and a tiny ,girly cock - can be a fucking horny sight indeed.
We have repeatedly asked that members are discerning in their posts , that they do not abuse the system by flooding the place with yawn-factor repetitions - and that they at least attempt to be tasteful in their posing and attire. Of course the downright slutty and dirty fuckers are very welcomed , but just be careful with those close-ups - make sure we can see you are a tranny.
You don’t have to be good-looking , or slim-build , or anything. We are here to give support to each other on our journeys.
However , if I feel someone is complacent , or losing the plot - I will certainly highlight this , and ask them to take action. I am quite happy to discuss any issues , unless met with blind denial.

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Just to clarify.
I am not a moderator , and never will be.
I have no controlling interest in the site , or any financial input.
My pic posting will always be minimal , and I tend to speak my mind.
So these aren’t the views as necessarily held by either the site , or mods.
Also , I have nothing against tiny cocks! Just the disembodied ones.

My view is that we are all on a journey.
For some this is a journey of discovery. For others , it is a respite after a long fight for individuality. No reason why the two can’t inhabit the same space , but we all need to keep an open mind - and supportive behaviour is paramount to promoting a healthy environment for all types to flourish and grow.

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I know that people would like a replay from the unpaid moderators as to why their pics are removed. Simply it takes too much of our time, but If I know you well or even just see that you're active I might reach out.

I swing a 3/4 Axe and have chopped down many offenders. I have the pics in my gallery. I will not always take down EVERY non-fem pic. I try to look at the postings they made that day, AND then at their whole gallery. If 99% are fem I will forgive the outlier pic. IF however it starts becoming their norm,... I WILL CHOP THEIR GALLERY TO SHREDS !!!

As for going to some of the Photo Categories, you need to look at the dates. There are many that predate the NTN / NDN split and were never Purged. Brenda and I spent MONTHS trying to clean those up and barely scratched the surface. We did enough so that the people that belonged in NDN migrated since their fav pics were no longer on our site. During the Purge and Split THERE WAS NO NO FEM RULE !!!! That was a rule that Brenda fought hard for and finally after years got in place. If you want to see cock shots and disembodied cocks they are there for your viewing pleasure deep in the bowels of the site.

Kisses !!!

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