
Member Since: 17-Aug-04
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When to clean out ones picture base. Erase all photos?
I have over 700 photos in my profile her now. I am thinking of erasing them all and start over. I can’t delete single photos. All or nothing. Last time I deleted them all, some fellow members kind of complained about it after they were gone.

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Member Since: 5-Jun-07
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I would leave them here. I like to go back and look to see old pics, remembering the time and/or place where they were taken. I’ve got almost 12 years of photos here and not ready to take any down. Please leave yours on site.

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Member Since: 17-Aug-04
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Yes I guess your are right. It's fun to go back and see the old pics and recall when they were taken. Nice pics you got..

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i totally agree, Jan...i've got a huge archive of pics & videos here, & sometimes i like to go back & browse thru them & remember when it all happened.
and YES, your pics are very arousing, so please - leave them all there for us other horny rascals to enjoy, time & time again jerk happydance

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Member Since: 20-Mar-10
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Your pictures are among the very best on here! I urge you to leave them on - they are a constant source of pleasure!

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Member Since: 17-Aug-04
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Wow what a praise from you guys. I was just thinking of server space etc. But you are right that that that oldest pictures give me a kind of nostalgia. This site is a great community..

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Member Since: 5-Aug-07
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One thing Admin has a lot of is server capacity. There's a bit of a back story about that, but one thing I can safely say is that NewbieNudes takes up masses more server space than this site does! Personally, I'd guess at least six times as much, but could even be tenfold or more.

I've got over 2,500 photos in my gallery, btw

Server bandwith cycles are a much much bigger factor in site planning. I imagine that's why Admin has to ration or prioritise how often pages on the site automatically update.

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Whilst server capacity is at a premium for NTN - it’s quite natural to go back and delete older pics , as we grow and develop our feminine-identities.
The site however , is also full of individuals simply treading-water and flooding the servers with the same old pics , poses and outfits every day.
Up to you how you play it , but the site can handle the demand. But whether other users can sustain the patience to trawl through endless repetitive trash , in order to get to the good stuff - remains to be seen.
As always , quality vs quantity.

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Leave well alone.
Jan as one of your biggest fans i gotta say PLEASE dont start deleting stuff, just add MORE!

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Member Since: 22-Aug-15
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Jan, I love your pics, you are soooooo sexy, please, please, please do not erase them.

Kisses xoxoxo


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