Gift PremiumI'm a bi guy with very strong fem tendencies. All of that means I have at least 2 basic ways of being in the world - one is the old rocker with long hair and bulging jeans, the other is a naughty cross-dresser who might wet her panties while wearing stockings and a short skirt. I'm quite versatile, have a nice but average uncut dick, and in whatever guise, a taste for cuddling and having a laugh.
- Joined 19 years ago
AndroJean's Blog
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Saturday, July 22, 2006, 1:54:32 AM- Masturbate-a-thon 2006 - your opportunity! | ||
I thoroughly enjoy masturbating in public places, and have had some wonderful experiences. So imagine my delight to find an even going on in the UK next week where masturbating in public is positively encouraged. Yes, it's the Masturbate-a-thon 2006, which takes place in Clerkenwell, London EC1, on Saturday August 5th. For more info, go to The idea is for you to get sponsorship to go and have a wank with all the others taking part - maybe your friends will sponsor you just for having the nerve to turn up! The serious purpose of the thing is to raise money and raise awareness of safer sex. And - good for someone like me - they're encouraging diverse people to turn up, which is why I thought of putting a blog entry on this site! So if you're a crossdresser or rubber freak or whatever, you should not face prejudice or abuse from other people. So, if you see a long-haired, ambigusous person in stockings and a short denim skirt, sliding her hand into her knickers for charitable purposes !! come and say hello - and share a few minutes' self-pleasure. This event's all about solo sex, so unfortunately no kissing, cuddling etc at the time - but there's nothing to stop you afterwards! And if you accidentally cum on me, well, I'm sure everyone will understand. Just the thought is getting my panties wet...... I'm getting into training, so please ecuse the shaky typing. Jean | ||
Saturday, December 17, 2005, 5:41:47 AM- More shorts on trains! | ||
Another homeward train incident... I was pushing my way along the train hurriedly with a crowd of travellers. It was hot and I was wearing a light t-shirt and some very short, very tight pale yellow shorts. They had a loose lining in them, the sort I could wind around my balls and shaft to give me a really prominent bulge. So as I rushed past the people already sitting on the train, they would have seen if they want these light yellow shorts, my bare thighs, and a lot of dick. As I rushed past someone leaned oer and quicly licked my hand! Don't know why or what the hell I tasted like after a day's work - salty at the very least in that heat! I was going too fast to see who it was. I hope they were decent - well, I hope they were the sort of person I'd actually like, you know. Why did he or she lick my hand like that? I know - if you were that person, why don't you tell me? If you weren't why not not get your imagination in gear and write a scenario? Maybe you'd like to have reached between my legs and given me a storke? Maybe you'd have liked to make love to my thighs, or dress me in undies, or rub cocks together? Maybe you'd like to explore the ahiry bits you can see over the neck of my t-shirt. The world is full of such varied and interesting people! | ||
Saturday, December 17, 2005, 5:27:31 AM- The Jean Shorts Boy | ||
I worked about 40 miles from home and was catching the homward train at the end of a hot day. The platform was croded with too many people to fit on to this small commuter train, but anyway we started to pile on. As the guy in front of me mounted the steps on to the train, I got an eyeful of his bum, clad in tight and very short jean shorts. He was obviously a well-made lad with gorgesou legs, and it was all I could do to stop myself grabbing hold of him and giving him a full body massage. I loved the way the loose strands of cotton hanging from his jean shorts tickled the tops of his thighs, and I hoped I could do the same one day. The throng of people started to move on to the train, and it was obviously going to be hard to find a seat. My jean shorts boy made off down the corridor, and I lost him in the crowd, but grabbed a vacant seat - some sort of compensation anyway. People fussed with bags, popped open cans of drink and started shouting into their phones the way they do on commuter trains, and I settlef down for a pretty mundane half-hour's journey home. One or two people were coming back along the corridor, presumably having failed to find a seat at the other end of the carriage, and one of them hovered over a seat that was slung at right angles to mine, along the window. Oh, my God, it was the jean shorts boy! My heart almost failed. I glanced sideways, and saw his bum just hitting the seat, and, as he sat down, a bulge that wiggled from side to side betweeen his legs. Phew! was he wiggling his hips, or was he just wearing no knickers? Inttiguing..... I tried not to stare, but in any case, without turning my head, I could get a good view of his legs, which were totally lovely. Trust me, i'm an expert, and have what is probably an unusual passion for men's legs, one of the world's unsung beauties. Several times, I ran my eyes over his gorgeous, curvacesou knees, and along his firm, well-muscled (but no overblown) thighs. He had a very obvious bulge in his shorts, and I could just imagine the generous, strong cock that might be lurking there. I soon imagined that I was licking his knees, fondling and kissing his thighs, nuzzling my way into his crotch to start using my mouth to stir his dick into action, while my fingers probed up his shorts legs to see what they could find....... Filled with such erotic imagery, and the heat and the thrumming of the train, I was starting to drift off to sleep. I often did on the journey home from work, but never missed my home station. As ever, I stopped dozing when we were approaching my station, and as I woke I realised I had an erection fighting with my jeans, and returned to thoughts of the jean shorts boy. There he still was, just at the edge of my field of vision, his knees still as gorgeous, his thighs still luscious and inviting. My dick couldn't stand up because my jeans were too tight, and I shuffled in my seat to try to get a bit more comfortable. My dick couldn't move a lot even now, but it was good to glance down and see I had a very noticeable prong in my jeans. I was hoping the jean short boy was watchng and enjoying the display too. I couldn't tell. But this was my station, and I picked up my bag, bending down slightly to get a closer look at his knees, stood straight up ensuring that the bulge in my jeans was pointing his way before I turned tail and got off. This station was crowded too, and I wove my way through the bodies to arrive in the street, and the relief of breathing again. I set off to walk into town, conscious that my dick was still heaving against my jeans and clearly on public display. Crossing some nasty busy roads took my mind off it, and I had softened by the time I was walking through the shops. Then inevitably, I started to imagine again running my hands up those gorgeous thighs and working his cock with my lips and tongue. My dick sprung into action again, and surged into hardness in my jeans. Again it couldn't stand up straight, as my jeans were too strong, but I was walking with a hell of a wang showing out front. One guy who walked past me suddenly noticed what I'd got and gave out a dramatic gasp when he was my goodies. I was enjoying this bit of exhibitionism. I have no shame about being in public with an erection, and strode through the town happily until I go to my bus stop. The top of the bus was empty, and I had a nice time up there, fondling and squeezing My dick through my jeans, maybe to the musement of late workers in the nearby office blocks. When I got home, I threw off all my clothes and unearthed an old pair of jean shorts I'd often used as a fetish object. I pulled them right up tight to show as much thigh and dick bulge as possiblew, and started to mastubate in front of the bedroom mirror, my knees clamped together and rubbing one another. ...... even MY thighs weren't bad! I ended up face-down on the bed in my favourite huming position, cock rubbing the bed, and my hands fondling the tops of my thighs just where they emerged from the jean shorts. I was entwined with the cock and the thrashing thighs of the jean shorts boy. He screamed and went into earthquake mode as we shot jets of cream up to one another's chins. I lay on my back, and unbuttoned my wet jean shorts, so I could collect a handful of cum from my hot, still-throbbing dick. That cream was in a very real sense something that had come from between the legs of the jean shorts boy. | ||
Tuesday, December 13, 2005, 5:27:58 AM- Birth of an Exhibitionist Part 2 | ||
If you want to read the first part of this first, please read the previous entry. This is the second part. ______________________________________________ I walked out of the darkness of the wood back to the road. Looking down at myself, I was filled with pleasure. I was wearing a thin nylon shirt, thin enough to be see-through, and thin enough to show my hairy chest through the material. The contrasts showed up well in the bright August sunlight. The shirt was light and easily blown out of place, and it was short enough not to tuck into my shorts. Most of the time, there was a breeze and most of the time my navel was exposed to the world. My shorts were very short, especially for the long-ago days of the late 60s. They showed all my thighs except for the very tops, so they were just about level with my crotch. I had an unstoppable erection, which showed up sharply in these very tight shorts, hardly fitting into them. The shaft was bent very slightly before it curved back to my stomach under the waist band. In the bright noonday sun my dick threw a dark shadow on the light blue cotton cloth, and I enjoyed turning in the sunlight to see the effect of different angles on the light and shadow. I reached down and fiddled between my legs until I had one ball one side of the seam of the shorts, and the other ball on the other. Believe it or not I was a fairly shy guy in my younger days, but I was really enjoying having my sex on show like that. I set off along the quiet lane, enjoying the sweet smells of summer - what they all were I didn't know, but something smelling strongly of strawberries often wafted by, and struck me as very exotic. As I took each step, my rigid cock swayed from side to side a little and rubbed itself against my tight shorts. As my bare legs carried me along, the shorts were gently wanking me at every movement. It was surprising how quiet it was, and there was nobody in sight to take any notice. Until I turned a corner and started heading for the road that led up the hills. "Come on in, you two" shouted an anxious woman to her kids, and I shall never know whether she was worried about me, but it sort of sounded as if she was. Well, I hadn't thought of kids being around, but anyway they weren't any more. Maybe half an hour later, I reached a shaded part of the road, and a steep rise that led to a cattle grid. After stepping carefully over the grid, the landscape completely changed, and I was into moorland with very little in sight except other hills, the occasional clump of trees, and the odd sheep. My dick was still raging, and this was amazing even to me, a very keen devotee of the hard dick and masturbation. The road carried on being steep and was getting narrower, with the occasional clump of grass starting to appear where it had not been maintained. On cooler days here you could see frogs and even the occasional snake, but today was not the sort of day for those things. I stopped for a minute and stood with my hips jutting forward, and watched as I stroked the sharp outline of my dick where it was stretching my shorts. A little pool of precum had formed just near the waist band, and I could feel a trickle of it running down my stomach as I squeezed my cock. Ah, a car going past, and I started walking again. It was getting harder to keep going in the heat, but it was so pleasurable doing what I was doing that I determined to keep going no matter what. The road was becoming much more vague, and would soon be just a sheep track, and anyway, where I wanted to go next was the top of a neighbouring hill, and I made a bee-line for the hill. I was climbing now, rather than walking on a hill. Each step was a high one, and I looked for footholds, like rocks and patches of the silky grass that grew up there. These big steps meant my shorts were coming under a lot of strain, and this even threatened to make my dick painful. The obvious answer was to take them off, and climb naked. So that's what I did. I found a couple of rocks where I could rest my bag and sit to take my clothes off, and stopped there to get naked and have some sandwiches. I whipped my shirt off and eased my shorts - now a bit sticky as well as tight - over my erection and stuffed them away in my bag. Sitting naked on the edge of one of the rocks, I splayed my knees wide apart, grabbed my insistent cock and started to masturbate furiously. I didn't want to finish myself off yet, so exercised the ultimate in self control and stopped when I felt the spunk rushes starting. Somehow I'd managed to suss out that you could keep going longer if you sort-of sucked it all back in and determined to leave it until later. My dick was streaming with precum, and I ran my fingers over it and licked them, relishing the taste of it. Trying to calm myself, I started munching a sandwich I was holding in one hand, but couldn't resist giving my dick the occasional tweak with the other. The breeze showed up just how wet my cock was. Lunch done with, it was time to climb the rest of the way to the summit. This was not an enormous hill - probably 1800 feet r so, and I had probably done half of it already. As I climbed, I was getting more of a sense of wide-open space, and the feeling of doing all that completely naked was sublime. Occasionally, when I could stop and didn't have to concentrate on where I was putting my feet, I stopped, and took in the whole 360 degree vista laid before me, turning around and playing casually with my cock, which was, amazingly still stiff. I didn't see one person up there, but secretly hoped somebody was having fun with their binoculars! I would have been perfectly visible from a lot of places, and that thought added to the thrill of the thing. At last I arrived at the top of the hill, which was quite rounded and covered in a layer of soft grasses. I could look right across the valley on the other side, and as I stood there naked and completely exposed, I started thrusting my hips back and forth as I started to fondle my naked body. My hands stroked down my hairy chest, and gradually focused in on my nipples, which were goose-pimpled inn the cooler breeze that blew up there. My hands followed the tufts of hair on my stomach, then wandered over my hips to the luscious roundness of my bumcheeks. As I carried on thrusting my cock in the air, I put a couple of fingers into my bum-slot and jiggled my anus for a moment. Then I squatted with my erection clasped between my thighs, wanking myself by thrusting my cock backwards and forwards, and squeezing my thighs together. My hands were busy stroking my thighs, and fondling my knees - I might be weird, but my knees had always been a sensitive erogenous zone. Then I sunk to my knees and ended up face-down on the grass, with my bum pumping away as I humped the hill and rubbed my dick against the grass. Just before I was about to shoot, I stopped myself again and got up to stand upright, legs apart, standing over the valley with my erection sticking right up, like some strange naked god. I grasped my cock and drew my foreskin right back, exposing the wet shiny knob beneath. With my other hand, I stroked myself between my legs and tickled under my balls, until I couldn't hold back any longer. A real stream of cream shot from my cock and landed somewhere just below me on the hill. I almost fainted with the feeling of it, and sank to my knees as my dick shot again, spattering my thighs and my chest with blobs of cream. I was panting and moaning loudly, and fingering my thighs to collect up some of the spoils. I licked the cream from my hand with gusto, and then shook my dick roughly as it gave yet another lurch and more wet cream dribbled between my legs. Leaning back and breathing deeply, I took a lot of pleasure from seeing my dripping cock and my lusty thi | ||
Monday, December 12, 2005, 4:55:26 AM- Birth of an exhibitionist | ||
I was about 19 and on a hot day when I still had long summer holidays, I set off to enjoy the sun and the heat. Little did I know it was going to be a day I'd remember for the rest of my life. My family lived in a small village in hill country not particularly near to anywhere, and it was a pretty conservative place. Out of deference to my folks, and probably repression on my part, I set off in an ordinary sirt and trousers, though I had some very tight, short shorts on underneath and intended to change when I was wsell away from the village. I set off down the lanes and into the depths of the country. I walked for about an hour in the heat, and it was clearly going to be a classic summer day. By this time, I was starting to get desperate for a wee. There was some dense woodland just off the road so I decided to go in there. I coudl also get those silly trousers off and carry on with my walk in my tiny shorts - a thought that was getting me excited, and I could feel my cock surging up in my shorts as I walked. As I walked into the wood, it was also getting urgent for me to have my piss. I unzipped my trousers and then tried to work out how I was going to get my dick out of my shorts and through the fly..... There was just no way - those shorts were just too tight. My dick couldn't be got out of the waistband or through the leg holes. My cock was so stiff, it just wasn't going to go. I had to go for a wee and quick, or I'd just wet myself. There was only one thing for it - I'd have to take everything off to free my cock to do the necessary. So that's what I did. Off came my short, and the effect of the warm breeze on my chest and back was quite amazing. I'd already stepped into a new dimension. I eased my shoes off and unnhooked my trousers. I peeled them off, and if felt fantastic baring my legs and seeing my hard erect dick straining against my short shorts. I couldn't resist grabbing my bulge and giving it a repeated squeeze as I rubbed my bare legs together. But I had to lift my shorts off my erection so that I could slip them down my legs to answer the call of nature. I sent the shorts scurrying down my legs, leaing my erection sticking right up even without the support of the shorts. This felt incredibly daring. I wasn't in the habit then of exposing myself in public, but I was getting so excited by it all that it was obviously something I was going to enjoy. I squatted for a moment to tidy my clothes into my shoulder bag, my cock pranging me in the belly button. I stood up again, and started walking into a darker part of the wood, completely naked and sporting an unbearably erogenous hard-on. Here I was, in broad daylight, breaking every taboo in the book, and not really knowing whether anyone would see me or not. My bare feet on moss and grass made very little sound, but I guessed that if anyone approached wearing shoes, I'd hear twigs breaking and things like that, as there was a deep layer of litter of one sort or another. My bladder was certainly full, and I stopped in the deep shade of a circle of trees, stood with my hands on my hips, knees bent slightly, and started to do a wee. I wasn't sure it was going to work - I probably hadn't pissed with an erection before, although in fact I'd pissed on myself in the bath with an erection, and it had not been a big deal. Work it did, anyway, and preety soon a real fountain of wee was shooting from my upright dick, making a whooshing sound at my end and clattering among the leaves of the trees at the other end. It felt electrifying after I'd been so desperate, and I was fascinated to see just how much wee I was producing in one go. I shook my dick and thrust my hips a bit to make the stream vary its trajectory, until it subsided, and did those final squirts you always seem to get at the end. I thought my dick might have subsided too now it wasn't under all that pressure, but it didn't, and I walked further into the wood still sporting this great prong. I walked along happily squeezing and pumping my dick with one hand and fondling my balls and stroking myself between the legs with the other. I soon came upon a fallen tree, lying at an angle on the ground, a bit like a rocking horse, it occurred to me, and something I could perch myself on. Luckily the trunk was smooth, and I wasn't going to fill myself ful of splinters. I straddled over the trunk, with the upper end behind me, and squatted on top of it, m bent knees, squeezing it either side, a bit like riding a horse. It was amazingly pleasurable to heave myself backwards and forwards against the tunk, letting it rub me betweeen my legs while I erotically fondled my thighs. It wa physically awkward doing this, so I didn't keep it up for long, but it gave me some ideas for future tree-humping sessions! I stood upright again and carried on walking around the wood wanking happily away. I could have shot there and then, but decided I'd keep it going a while llonger. I'd long ago worked out the edging idea, where you nearly cum then hold back and start working yourself up again. So I let go of my dick altogether and enjoyed walking around with an erection in the warm summer air. Actually my plan was to hold myself back all day, and just build up the sexual tension. For now, I thought it would be a good idea just to let my cock cool off, so that I could just get my shorts back on and walk further into the hills. My erection had given way by the time I got back to my shoulder bag. I squatted over it and pulled out my shorts - and then the thought I was about to expose my bare thighs and bulging dick to public view set me off again! By the time I'd put my shorts back on, my dick was raging again, and a full-blown erection stood out in the front of them as I put my shirt back on. I hung around a few more minutes trying to take my mind off it again, but it wasn't going to work, and I decided there was nothing for it but to set off just as I was. As I got back to the raod it was all quiet, no people, no vehicles, and I took a real pleasure from looking at the great prong that was very obvious in my shorts. Wearing shorts was already a strong fetish with me, so it was not surprising I was having this - er - trouble? The rest of the day will have to be the next episode, as it's time ofor my beauty sleep. AndroJean. | ||
Sunday, November 20, 2005, 9:11:36 PM- Getting Our Shorts Off | ||
I'm going back again to about age 14. (I will post some current stuff, but looking at some of the showoffs on this site has unlocked some pleasant memories!). I was walking home with my friend Mark from school games afternoon. We'd often go back to mine and play records or listen to my taped comedy archive. When my Mum was out, which was more and more often, we started to do other things too. We'd walk home still wearing our games kit - singlets and shorts - even in the coldest of weather. They brought us up hard in those days! And you weren't allowed to wear anything under your shorts - 14-year-old boys, you can just imagine the problems we had running about sometimes! I was starting to develop my style in this sort of thing, and really enjoyed these walks home, showing off my commando-style cock sticking out of my thin cotton shorts and waving from side to side as I walked. Often, all the rubbing against my shorts would make my cock rear up and stick out even more. I just let it go - what else could I do? play with it in the street? (that came later). Mark was a much bigger lad than me, and I'd often take a crafty glance at him to see what sort of a bulge he'd got. Strangely, he didn't talk about it, and didn't seem to have much of a bulge. Maybe his shorts were a different design or maybe he'd just got a surprisingly small dick. I was sure I'd find out one day. One time, we both went into my bedroom, and Mark lay back on the bed and said he wanted me to take my kit off. He was a bit prim and proper in some ways, and I was very surprised he'd asked me to strip off like that. Well, I didn't really mind, so my singlet came off over my head, and I quickly dropped my shorts to the floor, revealing, as described, my quivering, hard cock. I stood with my hands on hips, thrusting my dick at Mark, and I thought his eyes would pop out of his head. Lying back with his hands behind his head, he sighed, "You look lovely! I was enjoying this. I paraded up and down my small bedroom, waggling my dick, slapping my bum and fondling various parts of my body, like some tart on a catwalk. "Have you got any skimpy swimming trunks?" asked Mark at last. "Yes." "Put them on." I had, as it happened, got a very revealing pair of swimming trunks, which gave me such an obvious cock bulge and revealed so much else of me that I often put them on at night and masturbated furiously in them. It was a bit early in history for speeds, but they were made of some strange material that was light, shiny and satin-like. I dug them out of my cupboard and put them on, pulling them right up tight, so that they showed my thighs right to the top, and half my bum cheeks. And my cock escaped through the waist band, so that the wet knob was Jammed against my belly button. It was time for me to parade again, so I did, mincing up and down, wiggling my bum and stroking my bulging dick with broad sweeps of the hand from my crotch to my belly button. I'd done quite a lot of obedience that day, but a wicked thought occurred to me. Like lightning, I mounted Mark's legs and shot my hand up his thighs and into his shorts. He was very alarmed at this, and started yelling, "No! No!", slapping my forearms pretty damned hard. "Well, come on, what about you?" I said, conscious that my wet knob was staring him in the face. He seemed to be plucking up courage, and jerked his shorts down really quickly, revealing the end of his dick, which as I realised was as hard as mine. How did he get like that then? "So that's your dick, then," I mused. "Hmm, part of it," Mark said. I jumped backward off Mark's legs as he stood up. He strode past me, short at half-mast, and arranged himself on the end of my bed, which faced a dressing-table with a large mirror. Mark slid his shorts down his thighs, and my God, this mysterious organ was a monster! Great balls like quarter pounders and a shaft like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I made to grab it so I could give him a good wank, but he was shying away from me again. He just wanted to sit stock still, and admire his Leviathan in the mirror. If I couldn't give him a good wank, I could give myself one. I slid on to the bed on my knees behind Mark, and peered around him to get a good look at the object of my masturbation. I wanked in my swimming trunks as if it was one of my night-time sessions, using my free hand to fondle my chest, my thighs and knees - still do all that years later! Suddenly Mark had somehow levitated his cock so that it stuck up and out even further, and I had a very full handful of cream. Some flew up to my chest, and some was dribbling between my thighs. Mark suddenly realised what was happening, and got up from his perch to look at me again. I had a little magnifying glass on the dressing table (mostly used to light bonfires in the summer), and Mark had picked it up. "Lie back and let me look at your dick," Mark said, quite matter-of-factly. I lay right back, with my wasted cock facing him, still hard and sticky. Mark squatted between my legs, his knees up against the bed, and his cock still raging. He did nothing to pacify his dick, but damn me he started giving my cock a forensic examination with the magnifying glass! I didn't know there was so much detail to be seen, but Mark busied himself for a long time minutely examining my appendage. He also looked closely at the blobs of thick spunk that had landed on my body. He fingered some of them curiously, and then had a good look at his fingers. Well, that was about it. Eventually Mark let me go and I made my way to the bathroom to clean myself up. Yes, it was a strange friendship we had, and I never did find out if this incident fuelled a wank session for Mark. He must have liked something about it, because there were many more times when we took our shorts off and played. I never solved the mystery of why Mark's dick didn't bulge more in his shorts - maybe when he's soft he's not very big. | ||
Sunday, November 20, 2005, 2:43:31 PM- Night Moves - start of a great career | ||
In this blog I'll talk shamelessly about some of the times I've done that a quiet country boy shouldn't oughta, and how much fun I had doing them. Most of them will probably have an exhibitionist theme, and so this first one will be about the way it all started. It all started in my teens, which is no surprise. One hot summer night when I was about 14, I couldn't sleep and decided to go and cool off in the garden. It was all a bit tense and exciting getting past my snoring parents, tripping lightly down the stairs so as not to make a noise, and unlocking the back door as quietly as I could. Well, so far, so good. I shut the door, and stood still for a minute to take in the scented night air drifting in from the garden. I was going to go out there completely naked! Not something I'd ever done before - it's amazing to look back and realise what a big deal it was. My kindly but conventional upbringing hadn't included naked jaunts in the garden. But it was so hot, and I found the idea so exciting, it was irresistible. I even wore pyjamas at the time - something I'd only do now if I went into hospital. Off came the top, and I loved the feel of the night air on my puny but already hairy chest. I dropped the top on the back step and then dropped the pyjama bottoms off and left them on the ground too. This was novel and very naughty. My dick sprung up straight away and was unrelentingly rigid. I needed to cross a concrete yard before I got to the garden, and my bare feet felt very strange on the concrete. It felt like I'd become somebody completely different. As I walked I slid my hand down to my dick and started masturbating with relish. I was soon in the lawn and garden area, and stood on the path that ran down the middle, I let go of my dick, and just loved the sensation of it flying free in the kindly summer night air. A fantasy started to form in my mind that I was performing for an audience, and it wasn't dark at all. I marched up and down, hips thrust forward, showing off my magnificent erection. Then I'd jump to the side, bend my knees, and masturbate for the assembled imaraginary throng. Then I'd jump through a half circle and show them my bare bum, which I stroked lovingly with both hands. Then I slowly turned back to give them a slowly revolving view of my cock, while I stroked erotically the tops of my thighs. These imaginings were getting the better of me. As I faced my doting audience, I grabbed my cock and started masturbating in earnest, falling to my knees on the damp grass and squeezing my thighs together as I pumped away like a maniac. At last I threw myself face-down on to the grass, and loved the feeling of the cool baldes of grass creeping between my legs and under my balls. To the cheers of my wonderful audience, I slid both hands between my legs while I humped the lawn. One final squeeze of the gland between my legs, and a torrent of sperm sarted to drop into the grass. I came and came and came again, and thought I'd be stuck like that for life. Waht felt like a long time later, I rose to a squatting position, and wiped my dick clean on a different patch of grass. Well, that felt fantastic at the time. From such small begniings, I started on a happy lifetime of nudism, showing off, masturbating in public places and humping natural or not-so-natural objects. I might tell you more about it if you're good........ | ||
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