Gift PremiumWhat is there to really say. I am a thirty-six year old massage therapist that enjoys martial arts. I am pan-sexual, laid back and as well very calculated. So much going on with nothing to go on with. Yes… I am a Fool… One that learns from the past. That chases the elusive mayflower called love. One that is willing to take the risks necessary to live and not just survive in this world. That holds life above all else and who grieves at death and murder. One that gives, rather than takes. That knows their limits, but sets their goals beyond their reach… I will live as one for the rest of my days… Yes, I am a Fool. Tell my tale to those who ask...tell it truly. The ill deeds, along with the good... And let me be judged accordingly... The rest is silence.
- 38 years old
- Male
- Joined 11 years ago