- Creatively
i'm a submissive t-gurl/man. Comfortable either way. i looove to satisfy the person(s) i'm with.
- Joined 13 years ago
- Last login more than a year ago
Creatively's Blog
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Thursday, December 29, 2011, 5:46:52 PM- A Game i Like to Play | ||
i like to let random chance put me in situations Its kind of a self hypno technique. i get so horny from it. i go to say: http://adult.hypnoticwishes.com/feminized/art/BimboSigil2.swf for example & right click and hit 'play' to stop it. (i also right click and zoom a couple of times to make the words big) If the word is the same as the previous, that's a hit and i HAVE to do what ever condition i set up before hand, like say say 'yes' to anyone who propositions me in any of my fetish sites. Or have to go around handcuffed all day. Or have to contact 5 people immediately to submit to. Then i right click and hit 'play' again to restart the video, like pulling the arm on a slot machine! And repeat! Additional 'rules: I count down from 3, zero ends it and i HAVE to obey the result. If its a word starting in 's' (there are so many here, it became its own category) the count doesn't go down. Otherwise the count goes down 1, hitting 0 ends it. i keep the most recent 's' and non-'s' words in my head and the count. Getting ANOTHER word twice in a row, before hitting 0, negates 'doing' the condition. Its this back and forth that will drive you crazy. If you're really horny that day, you WANT to be forced to do it, other days, you are SCARED to do the condtion (if you REALLY play the game hard like me ![]() ![]() _3_ in a row of the same word ends the game immediately, no matter the count! This sudden end can be really jarring, depending on what answer you were really looking for! No escape here, the 'random gods' really wanted to get you and they did! lol And you can add rules for whatever site you use: In this one, 'OBEY' is the only one capitialized, so if its the 1st word, the game is OVER already and i HAVE to do the condition! And i added the '0 restart' rule! Even if i hit 0 and the game should stop, i go one more word. If its a dupe of the previous word... i have to start ALL OVER again! lol A great way to prolong the agony! Or lose the result you DID or DIDN'T want! It sounds complicated, but it IS a mind game after all. ![]() Stopped on word: Result: 'suck' - i repeat 'suck 3' since the count remains at 3 from the 's' word 'doll' - i repeat 'doll suck 2' since doll didn't start with an 's', the count went down 'slut' - i now repeat 'doll slut 2', no change in the count as no dupe word 'doll' - 1st dupe of a non-'s'! Now i have to say yes! i repeat 'doll slut 1' 'slut' - ooo, dupe, now i DON'T have to say yes ![]() 'bimbo'- Uh oh, now the count is down to 0! Game over? 'cock' - not 'bimbo' so game over, i HAVE to say YEs! (i love to say yes ![]() Other hypno pages lend themselves to this too. Like: http://adult.hypnoticwishes.com/feminized/art/CockSuck.swf (pages with text bring the count down - the one with 2 cocks acts as 'OBEY' above) http://adult.hypnoticwishes.com/feminized/art/BBCprogrammer.swf (pages with text bring the count down - any with 'black' trigger - the one with just 'BLACK' acts as 'OBEY' above) http://adult.hypnoticwishes.com/feminized/art/GlamourSmoke.swf (pages with text bring the count down - the large text ones trigger - the one with just 'BLACK' acts as 'OBEY' above) i used this game to get me to say yes to cum into a guys place hooded, cuffed and helpless. And another time to sit at a rest stop until i was picked up by a guy in a motorhome. (see my OTHER stories here ![]() Enjoy! | ||
Tuesday, August 30, 2011, 11:54:42 PM- Ah, have to move again! | ||||||
Wish i could just find a great Dom to serve and live with! No more hiding what i am, i'm a guy/gurl that loves to serve and obey! Take me and use me! | ||||||
Tuesday, August 16, 2011, 6:54:00 PM- My First Public Exhibition | ||
There used to be fetish parties up in Notingham NH loooong ago. i went on my own and it was amazing. Kind of had a center 'exhibition' area, where slaves were tied/bound up for show. i was so turned on and there was an empty cross-like thing. ![]() i had my hand up near the cuff, imagining what it was like and someone slid up my back behind me and whispered, 'would you like to see what it feels like for an hour?' i had tried to pull my hand away in shock, but he had held it lightly in place. i wanted to say 'no thanks' but couldn't speak and found my head going up and down! He put the wrist cuff on and i was stuck! Next, he grabbed my other wrist, cuffed it and he put a hood over my head to protect my identity. i was wondering why i needed that? And then he removed my pants and shorts! Then my ankles were attached to a spreader bar, to show me off! (guess this is when i got hooked on these 3 items ![]() i could hear people going bi, looking at the 'exhibits'... and i was ONE of them! i could hear a little bit, thru the hood. 'Can I touch him?' 'Can we...' (missed the rest on that one) 'Sure, he's new, but go ahead.' Then i felt a hands caressing my butt; tweaking my alternating hard and soft (when i was scared) cock and nipples; running thru my chest hair and an occasional WHACK to the rear! Once a long nailed finger found my lips at the hood mouth hole and made its way down my throat! i heard 'Oh what a gooood boi!' for not gagging! Oh i was in fear's heaven! i was up there for what seemed like forever! Every few minutes a new sensation from someone, as i stood there helpless and listening, listening. It was like they say when you lose a sense, the others pick up! i felt woozy and drunk, yet i'd had nothing that i know of that day... though i DID have some free punch offered me... maybe it was spiked and that's why i succumbed so easily? Whatever. At the end of 'only' an hour, i was released and collapsed to the floor. i was SO exhausted! They asked if i was ok and i breathed out a raspy, 'oh yeah!' ![]() ![]() | ||
Sunday, July 31, 2011, 5:18:18 AM- "Are these stories real?" | ||||||
Oh yes! lol These are all true unless marked. i only usually write about what has actually happened to me. i... just get myself into some interesting pickles! (or get some interesting pickles into ME! ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||||||
Tuesday, July 26, 2011, 6:33:31 PM- Never Saw Him - Part 3 of 3 - To the Dungeon | ||
...I never did find out if it was my Master the last time we got together for a session, or his friend, or even a stranger. That's the problem being hooded BEFORE an encounter starts. But my Master wanted me again and His power over me was absolute. But not in His apartment nor where I lived, where help would be at hand. But somewhere He could keep me as long as He liked and no one would know. He told me to come to His apartment complex. They had a storage closet basement, with individual stalls for use of storing large items. I found the door to the basement ajar. It was like a dungeon, with exposed wood stalls, ancient piping, dank and dark, in a huge converted mill building. I went down and found an empty stall about 8'x8'. Over the top edge of the stall, I lowered a bent piece of coat hanger on a string, down into the latch on the door where you would normally put a Master lock. Then I released the string... I was now locked in, no choice. I was told to strip naked. Then I locked my ankles with ankle cuffs, and knelt down in the center of my prison cell. I was then ordered to put a hood on and tighten it around my head so I could see nothing. I then completed my entrapment by locking my wrists behind my back with handcuffs. I was now totally helpless and far from any help in this cold dank dungeon of a prison. And I waited... Finally, I heard footsteps. I realized it might not be my Master, but someone else! I had left a lock in the middle of the floor to ID the stall I was in, but I was much farther back in the dungeon than W/we had discussed, because they were all locked up front. I was afraid someone else might pick up the lock and take it, leaving me unfindable! Or find me there! The footsteps went off in another direction, so it probably WASN'T the Master! Yet suddenly, the footsteps were near... they stopped in front of the stall... and the door opened! I felt cool air rush in. Footsteps came right up to me, yet I felt nothing yet, heard nothing. I was kneeling up, face forward and slowly I realized I could smell the musk of a crotch at close range! Suddenly my face was assaulted by something slapping into it! Again and again, my head was knocked from side to side by something huge hitting it. I was dizzy in confusion! Then it was suddenly right in the hole of the hood, on my lips... and just as suddenly, two hands grabbed my head and shoved it forward violently! My mouth and throat were impaled irrevocably and repeatedly, time after time after time! Forced to do service with no end, satisfy the Master my only thought. Ultimately my mouth became engorged to its fullest as the Master filled me, time and time again. I had no choice but to swallow and swallow, the rest running down the front of my naked body. After the longest time, my abuse finally ended. I knelt there, gasping for air, thinking it was over. But my humiliation was to continue, as my face was slapped. I opened my mouth again, ready to be impaled... instead; I felt a warm stream of liquid slam the back of my throat! THIS I had never encountered before, but I quickly realized I once again had no choice and had to comply and started swallowing as fast as I could! Faster and faster the flood would rise in my mouth, luckily I would swallow just in time. Then, the hands once again on the back of my head and my mouth was again engorged and penetrated, but this time with no breath to sustain me! Down, down, ever more liquid I was forced to ingest, as I became ever more dizzy and panicked. Finally, the liquid onrush halted. My mouth was disengaged and my body teetered to the floor with lack of balance. I felt my bonds unlocked. Yet I could not move a muscle. I heard the door slam shut and the lock clasp bang... was I still incarcerated? I had no idea... as I passed out. When I awoke, I realized I was unbound, yet still could not move for almost an hour. I could feel this dungeon all around me, me deep within its bowels, so small and insignificant. I could be there for days (had I been?) and no one would notice. I finally got up, terribly shaky in the cold dank atmosphere. I wiped the cold wet sex off my body and got dressed and left. And realized I was a slave. | ||
Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 6:54:54 AM- Never Saw Him - Part 2 of 3 - The Locker Room | ||
[These stories are all REAL and actually happened to me!] This time, my Master wanted me at my place. But I was too worried to do it there, but I did have a great alternative! The clubhouse in my complex closes at 6 and is empty after. So late at night no one is ever there, but I still had a hiding place anyway. I got in one of the shower stalls in the back, naked and pulled the curtain shut. So even if someone came in to use the bathroom, they wouldn't know I was there, even if they looked around! So I got down on my knees, cuffed my ankles, then put on a hood so I couldn't even see. I suddenly felt scared and helpless. But I swallowed, took a deep breath and cuffed my wrists behind me and waited... It was way past the time he was supposed to be there. I started to panic that he wasn't going to show up and I couldn't extricate myself from this public place! Then I heard the door of the clubhouse open in the distance... Someone was here! OMG, what if someone else finds me here? I froze absolutely motionless, scared to death. Then finally the lockerroom door opened. Slow footsteps. God, I thought I was going to pass out! THEN I felt the curtain go past my body. A long silence. Then I felt something brush the hole in the hood around my mouth. I opened my mouth and suddenly a hand was on the back of my head and FORCED my head and mouth forward and impaled it on a huge cock! I couldn't do anything, including breathe! I was pumped in and out on this hard rod, time and time again! I finally gagged and the hands took my head and forced me along the cock length, licking it all the way to the balls. Again my mouth was deepthroated, this time I was held in place for SO long! I didn't care if I couldn't breathe, I was in heaven. Now I was pumped again, time after time, in and out, wetter and wetter. Suddenly, it felt even bigger, deeper and wider. My head was slammed into his pubes and HELD there! After a bit, he suddenly erupted and my throat and mouth was FILLED with his juices! STILL I was held there, ready to pass out from lack of air AND ecstacy! I swallowed as best I could and then he pulled out, making me lick it clean all over! Then he let go and I collapsed in a pile in the stall. I heard the curtain pull closed and suddenly he was gone and I was hidden and alone. I laid there in an unmoving heap, still cuffed & hooded, covered in sweat and cum dripping from my mouth, for more than an hour. I finally came to and recovered enough to sit up and find the cuff keys with my fingers and get myself cleaned up and out of there, before any early morning types came in. I slept well that morning! ![]() I found the email the next day. He said he was sorry, but that he couldn't make it that night, maybe another time! But, but, SOMEONE fucked my mouth that night!! Was that why it wasn't at the correct time? But how did they know I was there? Was I seen going in? Several buildings face that door, but I thought I was discrete and non-chalant. Maybe not. It had rained that night, maybe my wet footprints on the lockerrom floor gave me away? I was in a panic as I wrote back and nervously waited for an answer to my perplexion. Several days passed before a message came back... He laughed that it wasn't him, but at least I had a good time. He liked my alternative plan so much, he had forwarded my message to a friend of his to whack off to. It had the directions in it, so maybe hE was the one that showed up? Was this it? Or was he just screwing with my mind? It really did! I never found out. | ||
Friday, June 24, 2011, 8:04:16 PM- Never Saw Him - Part 1 of 3 - i'm His hooded cum slave | ||||||
He wanted to force me to suck him. He wanted me to submit to him helplessly. He wanted me at his place but had to protect his identity, so I agreed to be hooded so I could not see him. I loved the idea! So I showed up at his building. He buzzed me in and left the door cracked. I came in in the dark, it was so strange, knowing someone was there, might even be able to see me yet I saw and knew nothing. I undressed quietly and opened my bag. Took out the ankle cuffs and cuffed myself. Well can't go anywhere NOW! I was a bit dizzy suddenly, realizing what was going to happen no matter what now. I knelt down and pulled the hood over my head and tied it tight around my head, only my nose and mouth exposed, couldn't even really hear now. I fumbled for the cuffs and tossed the bag aside with everything else. I paused for a second, scared to death and yet clicked the cuffs on each wrist, behind me... NOW I was totally helpless! What have I done? I don't know this person! Panic suddenly gripped me! My breathing grew short and shallow, trying to listen and not make noise. I bowed down in submission, hoping for mercy and that I had not made a terrible mistake. Then I smelt something, musky, deep, right in front of me. It was just suddenly there, it surprised me. Then it hit me in the side of the face! Again and again and again. Then I realized it was not a hand, but a huge cock! Then it slid under my nose, passing it by. Then again, but by the mouth hole. I could feel it pass my lips. Now I was so horny, my fear fell away. I had to have that cock! But it passed again and again, seemingly bigger each time! I dared not speak, grunt or even move, for fear it would go away. I could hear nothing, feel nothing but that cock and me. Isolated from the world. Then it stopped. Right in front of my lips, it pressed against them. I opened my mouth greedily and was rewarded! That huge cock slid slowly into my mouth, past my teeth, over my tongue, against the roof of my mouth. Then it slid back out, I tried to suction it to stay, it moved back anyway. Then, thankfully back in! Back and forth, time and again, I tasted the length of this cock. It was heaven! Then a hand grabbed the back of my head! Suddenly, I found out I had just been sucking the FRONT part of a huge dick! He rammed my head upon his cock and it raced down my throat, taking me totally by surprise. Suddenly my nose was buried in his deep musky pubes; my throat forced WIDE open and totally plugged; me, almost gagging, but with no breath to gag with! My world spun, seemingly around this gorgeous cock. My world was my head and throat, a pair of hands now and one big cock, deep down in me. Now my world turned to chaos, as he furiously pumped his cock in and out of me as fast as he could, I just floated and obeyed the cock and the hands, totally out of control and subservient to his experience. I saw sparkles in my covered eyes and luckily found a little new air at the end of his now really long strokes, so I didn't pass out. This went on for seemingly ages! I had only had brief sucking sessions before and was in control enough to pull off when needed. No such thing here! I was just a toy to be used and abused by my Better. This is what I'd always wanted. Then suddenly he started pumping even harder! And harder! His cock seemed to swell to over-fill my throat cavity. Then... SLAM, he impaled his cock in me, I seemed to go PAST his pubes, INTO his abdomen! His cock was SO far down my throat... then I felt it, deep in my throat, well past my mouth, a pulsing of something filling my throat! So weird, it just appeared in my throat, so far past where any food would have started down, I couldn't make my throat muscles swallow effectively. So it bubbled back up my throat, around his now slickened cock, like a cum volcano! I could feel it cumming back into my mouth, filling my cheeks, around my teeth, heading for the parted lips. I tried to clamp my lips around his pulsing cock to keep the cum in check, but this caused him to explode AGAIN, forcing ANOTHER load deep in my throat, firing the cum volcano! I FINALLY got my throat to open and swallow and swallow and swallow. But it was too late. Cum had filled my mouth, covered his cock and flowed out over my lips, all over me and filled the bottom of the hood. I was cumm-drenched! He pulled his cock out of me, it seemed to take forever to retract from my throat and mouth, as if it had been down into my belly, depositing his load directly. He slapped me with it again and again, then stroked his cock by my lips, making me completely clean him off, while a total cum-mess myself. Suddenly he was gone, seeming disappearing into the darkness. I fell over and collapsed, totally spent, totally happy. It took a while before I came back enough to get up and feel for the cuff keys. As I pulled the hood off, I could feel the pool of cum in the chin. I was spinning, exhausted and feeling slightly sick, but I couldn't resist and drank it down greedly! I had always considered myself straight with maybe bi tendencies, but here, I was a total cum slut! I found a towel in front of me and wiped off, trying to get myself as normal looking as possible to leave. As I left, I realized I had fulfilled an incredible fantasy and was satisfied to have had this one oppurtunity to explore. I was wrong. There was much more to cum! | ||||||
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