Life got you Stressed OUT? M2M Massage Services here in Sunnyvale, Ca. 94086. martyblewvan at yahoo dot com. For an Appointment. Strong, Nurturing Hands. Intuitive Touch. Special Attention paid to the Area that causes the most Stress. Unforgettable M2M Services for REAL MEN. Don't miss this One.
Not an Ordinary Massage Service. Pampering , Attentive Masseur.
$60.00 1 Hour. What are you Waiting for? 8:00am-8:00pm, EVERYDAY. Last Appointment is 7:00pm.. OUTCALLS AVAILABLE after 8

opm.. $80-$100.00 OUT. Depending on Location.
You've Tried the Rest, Now Try the BEST. "A FINER TOUCH" M2M Massage Services. STD/DD Free. HIV-. Very Clean. Hot Shower/Clean Linen/Quiet/Dark/Cool Apartment Setting. E-mail for Appointment or Call (40

315-7339. Masculine/Discrete Masseur.
Married/1st Timers/Curious Men Welcome. Traveling Through the Area? In Town on Business? Excellent Stress Release Like you've Never had before.......martyblewvan at yahoo dot com. "AVAILABLE"