Now I know! Had conversed with a nice chap by mail on here, my wife visiting her family we met up at his place to exchange oral favour. He is also in his 50 and having told him I never done it before and only wanted to experience oral. Arriving at his place late evening he opened the door naked and invited me in. He seemed to be alone, had no body hairs including his genitals. Offered me a drink and asked me to get undressed. I felt very uncomfortable, never been with a man alone. Never less I got undressed we chatted and shared experience first. Have to say he made me comfortable and at ease, first he ran his fingers across my hairy crotch and teasing me. I started to rise and he asked me to touch him. Him sitting down I knelt down feeling his shaven pelvic and his penis. Felt so smooth an exciting, seeing his cock rise. Suck he smiled at me. Going down on his long cock he held my arms and whistled. Not realising, he had called his 3 friends out of the bedroom. Feeling the presence I want to pull away. I was held firmly by him and 2 guys held my legs spreading them further.
Objecting, they all laughed, hold still bitch I growled, felt the lubrication in my bum crack and he squirted a lot into my anus, forcefully he pushed his cock into my anus. Feeling the pain I struggled to free myself. Had no chance being held by 3 strong arms. Was told by A to hold still and to suck his cock. The pain subsided as the one guy was fucking my ass with steady strokes. A was pushing my head down on his cock nearly choking me ramming my head down on his 8 inches.
The other 2 still holding my legs chuckling, had no choice and succumbed to being fucked and stopped struggling. Felt a hand on my deflated cock teasing me, being fucked with long steady strokes I started to get excited. Sucking on the shave cock and feeling the cock in my ass and when he started to cum, I felt his ejaculation and gasped of the sensation. He pulled out after he had offloaded his seeds. Could feel his cum running out my anus as he pulled out and his friend taken his place to fuck my ass. A started to cum in my mouth as the second cock was fucking me. What a sensation, feeling his hot sperm spewing into my mouth, I shivered and he had so much he nearly drowned me. He made me lick up his spunk which dropped out of my mouth onto his pelvic.
His 3 friends fucked my ass and spilled their spunk in me. Afterwards we sat and had a drink, all 3 grinning at me asking how it felt. Telling them after the initial pain it was all right, it was more sensational with the 2nd one entering, telling them I prefer more the oral.
I got sucked off by one of the guys and sucked off 2 other guys, and was fucked by the 2 other.
Driving home around 2am felt my anus leaking, tired and excited. What an experience it was, realising if they would not have forced me I would have never agreed. This morning I woke up with a huge hard on, my anus still tender and sticky wet. Thinking back hate to admit, it was a very sensual and sexual night