- Jennygurlluvs2play
Gift PremiumGreetings, This down to earth, educated, safe, yet very kinky gurl by night is always seeking kinky playmates as well as lasting friendships both online and off. Romantically I'm only attracted to females but certainly do enjoy reveling in my bisexuality and femininity! Play time with females and others of the gender bending variety, such as myself, is something I find especially fun! Cis men do very little for me if I'm honest, A hairy man with a beer gut to me is a drinking buddy, not a fuck buddy, femininity is what ultimately attracts me. Though I do very much enjoy pleasuring a large cock in as many ways as possible! As far as my kinks, I've got one hell of a foot fetish, love redheads, enjoy tickle play, mild to moderate pain play, being restrained and restraining, group play, threesomes of all varieties, & am a total switch. Aside from degradation, extreme bondage, blood, scat, and piss play, pretty much all else is fair play! Naturally I lean towards the submissive side but when desired my dominant side is always there! Go figure as a switch! I'm very androgynous in general but as with all things find balance is key, for me anyway. As an effeminate man pushing gender norms in day to day life is fun but would say I am more masculine in my presentation. Gender exploration is something that intrigues me and I find pleasure in expression this artistically as well as erotically. Perhaps if I were a 200 pound hairy, hulk of a man I'd not find such pleasure in these things personally. Yet, I'm a 5'9", 145 pound man that's naturally near hairless and have always love to wear my hair long! And have been told by men and women alike that I've got a sexy little ass! Sexmap: http://www.humansexmap.com/showmap.php?mapid=map60d9f9078f5ba4.47194782 BDSM Test Results 100% Exhibitionist, 100% Switch, 100% Voyeur, 100% Non-monogamist, 93% Experimentalist, 89% Rope bunny, 57% Rigger, 55% Submissive, 54% Primal (Hunter), 48% Primal (Prey), 42% Vanilla, 21% Ageplayer, 7% Dominant, 6% Masochist, 4% Boy/Girl, 1% Brat, 1% Brat tamer, 1% Dad/Mom, 0% Slave, 0% Degradee, 0% Degrader, 0% Pet, 0% Owner, 0% Master/Mistress, 0% Sadist. Results from bdsmtest.org The Slave Test 35.63 % Dependent slave, 0 % Domestic slave, 85.71 % Exhibition slave, 61.11 % Fetish slave, 66.67 % Harem slave, 12.5 % Emotional masochist, 67.19 % Physical masochist, 0 % Prison slave, 100 % Sextoy slave. Test by CollarPlace - collarplace.com Vanilla Stuff About Me In day to day life I present as a man but under the suit and tie am wearing female attire. Wearing my hair long and keeping clean shaven and near hairless otherwise, my presentation is very androgynous, but, not overly so, unless desired. When I do get fully dressed I'm very much passable and enjoy going out in public dressed, especially with a female companion. Playing with gender norms has always been something of which I am fond! For me, balance is key. 50% of me would very much enjoy being a woman, the other 50% is completely content being a man. What can I say? In bed I'm a total switch too. So one minute I might want to dominate, the next, be very submissive. I find it extremely fun and others seem to enjoy the play too. Thus I figured I'd reach out more broadly to share my body in an expression of my exhibitionist side and in hopes of finding more kinky as well as safe, frequent playmates. In my off time I very much enjoy anything having to do with the outdoors as well as socializing with close friends and family. Other passions include writing, pottery-making as well as art in general, listening as well as making music, and am a total movie buff, enjoying nights of cuddling very much. Bars and clubs aren't really my thing, though on occasion do enjoy the atmosphere. If I've piqued your interest do hit me up. I'd love to hear from you. Kisses, Jenny
- 49 years old
- Transgender
- Joined 13 years ago
- Active 7 months ago
Jennygurlluvs2play's Blog
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Monday, February 14, 2022, 3:27:35 PM- Jenny's Valentine's Day Riddle | ||||||
Jenny's Valentine's Day Riddle If you are at all like me Sapiosexuality offers extra kink. My challenge for you, is all wrapped up in haiku. My Valentine's pics offer the clues you need. To the most keen, pseudo numbers are seen. Crack this lil' riddle and give Jenny a call! Footnote: Seriously, if any of you go as far as to crack this, please, give me a call! When I answer ask, "May I speak with Jenny please?" People with brains are hard to find. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!! Hugs and kisses, Jenny | ||||||
Monday, August 17, 2020, 3:00:14 AM- Dressing Jenny | ||||||
[url]https://ibb.co/PFS54fz[/url] So, I'd like to play a little game with you, Dressing Jenny! How this game works is you imagine we're meeting one another and going on vacation. What am I wearing today baby? Listed below and included in the image above are items in my Goody Bag/luggage and I'd like to give you the chance to dress me for the day/next set of pictures I take and post. You'll notice that some items (those with an apostrophe) are not wearable per se. Well think of these as bonus items to include in the shoot! So, if you'd like to play, pick items from the list below and dress me for the day/next set. Do be sure to include any bonus items you'd like to see included! All reasonable requests will be considered and I will do my best to accommodate each and every I receive. Once you've taken the time to select the items, send me a message including said items I'm to wear for the day/next shoot. Once your message is received I'll reply and let you know when to expect the pictures posted. Do note that the more involved your dressing of me is the longer it will take for me to satisfy your request. Especially if you want me fully dressed as unfortunately at the moment those opportunities are a rarity! Jenny's Goody Bag: 1 - Pink and Purple Reversible Top 2 - White Off the Shoulder Crop Top Blouse 3- Pink Booty Shorts 4- White Lace Panties 5- Rainbow Striped Panties 6- Pink Satin & Lace Panties 7- Saffi Floral Embroidered Panties 8- Black Lace Panties I 9- White lace Panties I 10- Black Lace Panties II 11- Purple Art Deco Skirt 12- Pink Short Sleeved Flared Floral Midi Dress 13- Pink Half Sleeve Floral Swing Mini Dress 14- Red Ribbon Choker 15- Black Rose Choker 16- Stainless Steel Chastity Cage 17- Cody Cummings FleshJack Dildo (5.75" Girth/7.5" Length) * 18- Liam Riley FleshJack Dildo (5" Girth/4" Length) * 19- Fleshlight Mr. Limpy Packer (4.25" Grith/2.75" Length) * 20- Black Velvet Medium Butt Plug 21- Fleshlight Quick Shot * 22- LuxeLuv Coco Bullet Flexible Vibrator * 23- Parachute Cord 24- Magnetic Eyelashes 25- Rainbow Thigh High Socks 26- Black Thigh High Socks w/White Stripes 27- Black Thigh High Socks w/Pink Stripes 28- White Thigh High Socks w/Black Stripes 29- White Thigh High Socks 30- White Thigh High Socks w/Pink Stripes 31- Black Thigh High Socks 32- Purple and White Thigh High Socks 33- Grey Thigh High Socks 34- Blue and White Thigh High Socks 35- Black Lace Ankle Socks 36- Saffi Floral Embroidered Babydoll 37- Saffi Floral Embroidered Push-up Bra 38- Saffi Floral Embroidered Garter Belt 39- Black Fishnet Bodysuit I 40- Black Fishnet Bodysuit II 41- White Fishnet Bodysuit 42- Red Fishnet Bodysuit 43- Pink Satin & Lace Bra 44- White Lace Asymmetric Bra 45- Black Lace Bra 46- Black Strapless Bra 47- Rainbow Striped Gloves 48- Purple Satin & Lace Robe 49- Black Satin & Lace Robe 50 - KY Jelly * Not Shown but "in the bag": 1- Nude G-string 2- Black G-string 3- Saffi Floral Embroidered Bandeau Bra My make-up as well jewelry are also not included. What has been laid out and included in the attached image is what I'd pack up and bring if we went on a vacation dressed during these the summer months. Hopefully Dressing Jenny sounds fun and you'll participate to help my imagery be more interactive, imaginative, as well as playful. Let the game begin! Kisses, Jenny | ||||||
Friday, August 14, 2020, 2:46:42 PM- A Transitional Tale (Edited) | ||||||
The transition into the unknown from the known often passes by without notice and soon enough I'd be sliding down a rather slick slope completely unbeknownst to me! It all started out innocently enough. A few friends and had planned to meet at a "hippy gathering" occurring not very far away from where we lived and I really did need to get out. Having finally solidified our plans after much debate I packed my cooler full of goodies, camping gear, a backpack full clothing and whatnot, a folding chair, as well as my drum and headed on out. We'd decided to simplify things and just meet in the upper parking lot then move later and let me tell you, it felt great to get out of the city. Simply hitting the road felt great but pulling into that parking lot? My goodness it felt fantastic! The smell of fresh air entering my car with the breeze was mentally intoxicating. To then smell great food cooking and wafting through the air along with people laughing? I was back in my element for sure! Seeing my friends cars, I pulled as near them as I could, parked and got out. After stretching a bit I opened the trunk and grabbed my backpack and a chair then walked over to where they had parked as well as set up some chairs in the shade. Nearing the group I greeted them with a wide sweeping wave of my free hand saying "Hi guys, it feels so great being here finally." having now caught wind of the wonderful cooking I continue, "The food smells great too. I'm seem right on time!" while setting down my backpack and setting up my chair then taking a seat. As I do Paul asks me, "Wanna beer Jon?' continuing with, "We've got plenty!" "Sure Paul, I'd love a beer right about now." I answer. After passing through a few hands I'm treated to an ice-cold Avalanche Pale Ale. Taking the bottle and popping the top with a lighter I take my first sip, letting out an audible "Ah!" We clink bottles and each take a deep sip. "Cheers gentlemen" we say as we all take another sip. "So, what's on the agenda for the evening?" Mark inquires. "Really not much planned tonight as it's Thursday and people are just starting to trickle in." Marley, Paul's wife blurts out while washing some lettuce for a salad continuing, "But, some people are going to head to the dome to do some drumming and enjoy a fire from what I've heard." We all started talking about how long it's been since we've been together at a festival to drum and have fun as we begin getting food. As we are finishing eating perfectly grilled pieces of beef tenderloin, grilled garlic potatoes, and green beans relaxing and enjoying the afternoon, I notice a woman attempting to put up a tent but having great difficulty. She's alone in camp and that caught my attention right away as a single man. As such I watch and wait for someone to arrive. After waiting awhile and nobody showing up and not having much to do considering we just ate I got up saying, "It looks like this woman could use a hand with her tent so I'm going to go help her out." as I started walking over to her. "Hi there, my name's Jon and I couldn't help but notice you're having a bit of trouble with your tent." I say offering her my hand and continuing, "Would you like some help?" "Sure," she said taking my hand, shaking it firmly. "My names C.C. Jon, it's a pleasure to meet you" she continues. "Let's see what we've got here." I say as I start to assess the situation. Noticing she simply has some of the poles in the wrong place we straighten things out and in no time had her tent set up. "Thanks Jon," she says, continuing, "I don't know if I would have been able to get it up. I lost the instructions and I've never set it up by myself before." "Not a problem C.C., I'm glad I could be of assistance." I respond wiping a bit of sweat away from my brow. "Can I offer you a drink?" C.C. asked me as she opens a cooler, "I've got beer or I was going to crack a bottle of wine and enjoy some food. The choice is yours." After a bit of thinking and seeing the opportunity to share a meal with a beautiful, seemingly single woman, I seize the moment and take her up on the latter option, a few glasses of wine over a meal! "I would absolutely love to enjoy a meal with you. So, I'll have the later!" "Let me just go let my friends know and I'll be right back." I said as I started walking back over to my friends to let them know. "Hi guys, the woman I was helping with her tent asked me to stay for dinner so we're going to relax and have dinner at her camp." I say grabbing my backpack and chair then turning around to start walking back to C.C's camp. As I turn my back smiling to myself as I walk away I say, "Don't wait for me, who knows how tonight's going to turn out!" "Have fun Jon, we won't wait up for you!" is about all I hear as I'm walking away. When I got back to C.C's camp and set down my stuff I noticed she'd already opened a bottle of wine, poured two glasses, and had them set out on the cooler. She smiled at me then patted the ground next to her saying, "Come and sit by me Jon." Sitting down next to her she handed me a glass of wine and I offered a toast, "To new friendships." We clinked glasses and began to sip on our wine and indulge in small talk, tentatively dipping our toes into each others business. As we enjoyed one another's company and quickly polished off the wine we laid back and started looking at the sky talking about the cosmos. I could hardly believe she was into astronomy too. "My kind of lady!"I remember thinking listening to her turn me on with her astronomic knowledge sipping on good wine. After we sat looking at the sky talking about the universe for a long time she looked over at me and said, "Jon I'm starting to get kinda sleepy." continuing as she rubbed her eyes, "I think I got a bit carried away with the wine." I responded by saying, "I'm getting kind of sleepy too. Let's nap!" With that we feel asleep laying there on the ground. We must have been out for a few hours as when I woke up she had out grilled chicken which mixed with couscous and vegetables. She also had naan and hummus as well as two glasses of wine poured and breathing atop a cooler. There was also a bowl of mixed berries set out on the cooler next to a plate of angel food cake. Within no time this woman had put together one heck of a meal! I sat down on one side of the cooler facing the sunset and she the other as we picked up our glasses of wine for a toast. Raising my glass to hers for another toast I said, "To good food and good friends." We sipped on the wine and as I took a quick second sip she said, "Please, help yourself." "It looks so good C.C.!" I reply as I take a piece of naan and dip it into the hummus. "Thank you. Our camp food will likely be great but I'm really glad I'm here enjoying your company instead. In that regards you've certainly got them beat!" I say as I take my first bite. We ate and drank, shared our stories, laughing a lot while we got to know one another. She was to have met with her "on and off" husband at the festival but he stiffed her. So, she had food for two and nobody with which to share. She also mentioned working as a nurse and maintained a home away from her husband for now while they contemplate getting a divorce. Having myself recently finalized a divorce we talked about all the various complexities of such things and how it worked out for me. She was especially amused that the day we finalized our divorce that we got on a plane and went on vacation together to celebrate! Having finished both the wine and food we moved on to mixed drinks made of Malibu Coconut Rum, a more potent spiced rum, and a splash, literally, of pineapple juice. She mixed up such yummy drinks one wouldn't know they contained about 30% alcohol! As we continued sipping our drinks, laughing and talking, finding we have much in common, the night quickly passed by. It was like we slipped into our own universe and time was flowing differently for us. As if no time had passed, but, it had to already be about two or three in the morning, as people were now walking back from the fire, and a friend stopped by to offer us some moonshine he had come across. We each took a big swig and thanked him as he walked off with a nod saying, "Good night." I don't remember who initiated it, heck, we both probably did at this point, but, she and I began kissing as we turned towards one another. At first using tentative, probing pecks, our noses rubbing playfully. The tentative first pecks and tenderness quickly escalating to tongues darting between interlocked and rubbing lips. It was fantastically luscious as she's a great kisser! Her knees suddenly buckled and she began to fall but I managed to grab her head and waist and slowly lowered her down. Ever the opportunist she quickly gained the upper position and mounted me holding my arms to the side with her legs as she ground her crotch into my crotch while kissing me passionately. The lust was amazing and we couldn't part. Soon enough though she and I had worked our way over to the door of her tent and while we continued our embrace she unzipped the door of her tent and we slithered in still maintaining our embrace, kissing madly, my hands slipping up her body to her plump bosom. As we got into her tent she pushed my hands away zipped up the tent and immediately removed her blouse as well as underlying bra and out sprung the most amazing breast's I've ever seen. A real good handful with beautiful areola and nice big, perky nipples that stuck out begging for suckling! And the sexy Irish rose tattoo she had above her right breast really turned me on!!! No longer able to resist, I reach over to take one of her now moist nipples into my mouth as I remove my shoes and socks. As I suck on her nipples and kiss her breasts she begins to coo and throws her head back while placing her hands under her breasts. Noticing this I grab a hold of her nipples and pinch them a bit, pulling on them then alternating between this and a bit of oral ministration. She then leaned forward and began unzipping my pants, sliding them down my legs. Helping by pulling one leg through I take my hands from her heaving breasts to reach between her waist and panties to slide her skirt and panties off. As she gets herself out of her skirt and panties completely I take off my shirt and boxers, then she takes them from my hands throwing them over her shoulder while leaping onto me, rubbing her now nude body against mine as she giggles, a huge smile upon her face. The passion of the moment was intense to say the least. Looking deep into my eyes as she slid her breasts along my body, pulling them up tight against me. Starting at my still flaccid cock and working all the way up my body, stopping to rub her nipples against mine before continuing on to my mouth. As she reached my face I again took one of her nipples into my mouth, placing tender bites a the base while gently caressing its length with my lips and tongue, kissing her areola. She went back down for another round of this treatment but I had other things in mind! As she worked her way up on this pass I decided to slide my body down so as to place my mouth on her vagina. Her wonderful smell clearly emanating from her vagina was driving me crazy! As her nipple approached my face I began my decent, gently kissing the skin between her breasts as I passed by, kissing my way down her body as I slid against the floor of the tent. With her mound now at my mouth I suck deeply, taking her gorgeous, puffy pussy as far into my mouth as it would go. Sucking her outer labia into my mouth, parting her inner labia with my tongue. After a bit of this treatment I release the vacuum seal I'd created using my lips as I stuck my tongue deep into her tasty, moist vagina. She started grinding her pussy into my mouth as I lay on my back enjoying her moaning and cooing. It was fantastic and her taste was just as good as her smell, heavenly! As she rode my face she turned, then leaned back and looking over her shoulder to stare me in the eyes said, "Jon, you eat my pussy so good. If you keep that up you're going to make me cum!" With that I picked up the pace of my tongue lashing of her vagina and clit, alternating between encircling her clit with my tongue and plunging it deeply into her hot vagina. Occasionally lapping up and down her pussy with my tongue. After a bit of that treatment I began circling my tongue around entirely of her pussy, her tasty juices now covering my face. After some time riding my face C.C. decided to switch things up and turned to take my semi-hard cock into her mouth while also lifting one of her legs over me to place her moist, succulent snatch back in my face. In no time at all she had me at full mast and was taking me deep into her mouth, gagging each time she took all eight inches of my rock hard cock into her mouth. She licked all around my head and as she did I licked her clit in rhythm much to her delight. This must have really turned her on as she came almost immediately. Her body began to convulse involuntarily and her thighs wrapped tightly around my head. This was more than I could take and soon shot a load deep into her mouth. There was so much cum as I was very turned on that she had to start taking her lips off but was able to quick swallow. After she did she then slammed her mouth all the way back down around my cock like a champ. As the last pulses of cum shot from my penis some dripped from her mouth and onto her stomach as she looked me deeply in the eyes, sperm running down and dripping off her chin. My body spasmed I came so hard but she never let my cock fall from the grip of her lips. C.C. can suck some cock, that much is for sure!!! Having each just cum we collapsed on the floor of her tent. Reaching with a foot she grabbed a blanket which she brought up and I took from her sexy feet. We wrapped it around ourselves snugly and she placed her head on my chest and a hand on my breast. As I lit a cigarette and took a deep drag. "So, let's talk about sex baby." she said as she took the cigarette from my mouth, taking a drag and handing it back. Puffing on the cigarette I reply, "You and me, all the good times, and the bad times that will be?" She laughed and we got to talking about sex. "Do you like bondage at all Jon?" she asked. I replied, "I do, but really have to trust the person to feel comfortable enough." "How about pain play C.C?" I asked. "I love pain play Jon. Being spanked, having my nipples clamped and pinched, my pussy spread wide open." was her reply as she shifted her head and looked me in the eyes. "What other kinky shit are you into Jon?" she continued with a smile on her face as she started sliding up my body, her warm breasts pressing up against me again felt wonderful. When she arrived at my face we rubbed noses and then kissed deeply, our tongues intertwined and sliding against one another, darting in and out of one another's mouths. After breaking our embrace she looked at me and in a somewhat inquisitive tone asked, "You don't mind kissing me after I blew you?" "Well, I didn't even think about it really, I just wanted to kiss you." I answered moving my face closer to hers, again locking lips with this gorgeous creature. After more kissing she stopped and asked, "Can you taste yourself?" "Yeah, now that you've mentioned it." Kissing her and clearly pausing to taste I continue, "Before I didn't really notice as it wasn't on my mind." I replied, unconsciously licking my lips. Noticing that I did this she continued with her inquisition, "Have you ever tasted cum more directly?" "If I'm honest, yes, my own." I replied, my skin noticeably flushing. "Tell me how you did it." she asked looking me in the eyes while rubbing her knee into my crotch while biting the tip of her tongue. I took a final drag off my cigarette answering, "Okay. One time when I was jacking off I decided to just fucking do it as I had been curious what it tasted like for some time but always lost the urge to taste myself after cumming. So having resolved that now's the time I came into my hand, tossed it into my mouth quickly swallowing it all." "Did you like it?" she asked with a slight up tone. "I'd say I was neutral on it. It wasn't good and it wasn't bad." I answered snubbing out the cigarette just outside the door of the tent and zipping it back up. As I leaned in getting under the blankets next to her she opened her arms welcoming me in for a snuggle. As she wrapped her body around me she asked again but with a bit more of a demanding tone this time, "So Jon, tell me more about your kinks and fetishes? You're not getting away without answering this question with more details." As I turn around, taking her into my arms I answer as we stare deep into each others eyes while holding each other tight, "Well, for one, I really enjoy feet." I start rubbing her cheek with one hands as I reach for a foot continuing, "If they're well-kept and relatively clean mind you, but, if they are? My goodness! I find a woman's feet highly erotic. Especially if she gets into it too. A nice foot message when she comes home with sore feet, a glass of wine waiting." As I began nibbling on her earlobe I reached for her feet and start massaging them continuing, "Tickling's fun too. Again, especially if she's also turned on by it. This plays into the whole attention to her feet after work thing and serves as wonderful foreplay prior to sex." Now kissing down her neck and lightly tickling her feet I continue, "I'm also a fan of light bondage and pain play but am not into degradation at all. That's just not my thing. I'm far too compassionate and nurturing for that kind of stuff." I say pausing to think and grasping her feet in my hands. "Hum, what else can I say here?" I say contemplating. While I do I lean in and start gently rubbing my forehead against hers keeping our eyes locked as I hold her feet in my hands. "Oh yeah, I'm also a fan of dodging, public play, group sex, and find a threesome highly arousing. That a good enough start?" I ask quickly placing my hands on her ass as we keep our eyes locked and start laughing. After gazing into each others eyes for sometime I lean my head to the side and we started kissing. "That does give me some things to think about my kinky boy." She replied between kissing me back, her eyes closing she asks, "What's dodging anyway?" As we continue kissing I pause just long enough to laugh and respond quickly by saying, "It's basically having risky public sex and if you get caught you run, hence the name!" "I love it!" she said as she thew her legs back and we continued our passionate embrace pausing to ask, "Jon, I don't want you to take offense to any of what I'm about to say, but, I've been with a few women in my days and having sex with you reminds me more of having sex with them than with a man. You're so gentle and tender as well as attentive. And my god you're good at eating pussy!" Kissing her back and nibbling on her lower lip I reply, "Go on sweetie, I'm listening." "Have you ever dressed up in women's clothing or thought about it Jon? she asked continuing as her hands ran along my sides, "You've got such a nice body for it and I think you'd look sexy as hell!" "Well C.C., when I was young I did try on a neighbor girls swimsuit after using it for my masturbatory pleasure." Rolling off her I light a cigarette and continue as I unzip the door for air, "Later during adolescence my girlfriend left her panties at my house. She "accidentally" left them at the side of my bed and I ended up sniffing them as I jerked off after she'd left. Surprised by then wanting to try them on I did and after looking in the mirror and posing a bit I wrapped them around my cock and masturbated. As I was about to cum I pulled out, unfurled them on the bed, cumming hard all over them, reminiscing of she and I's encounter that afternoon." Sitting up with a shit grin on her face C.C. asked,"Would you please dress for me Jon?" She crawled over and placed her hand on my thigh. "What? You mean now?" I asked after what she'd just asked and a bit surprised. "Yes, now Jon, I'd love to play with you as a girl tonight." she said looking me in the eyes, a sultry grin on her face as her hands gripped my thighs a bit harder. "Come on sweetie, it will be fun!" She continued, raising her eyebrows and tilting her head seductively. I'm a bit tentative as I don't really know what she has in mind so I reply simply, "Alright my dear. How can I resist that look?" as I take a drag off my cigarette. With that she jumps up, claps her hands together giggling as she runs to her bags, quickly grabbing a pink lace bra and panty set, throwing them at me, instructing me to put them on. "Here, these white thigh high socks should match well too." she says as she throws the socks at me as well. As I pull the panties up and rearranged myself she smiles and giggles a bit saying, "Wow, you look so sexy in those panties baby. I love your bulge too!" "Can you stop laughing and help me with damn this bra?" I ask fumbling around. As I finally orient the damn thing I bring my arms though the shoulder straps. "Sure sweetie, let me fasten you up." She replied giggling as she took the straps of the bra into her hands. As she finished fastening the bra I started putting on the socks. Pulling them up it felt great to feel my legs enveloped. The slight bulge of my thigh skin over the top made me feel so sexy and combined with the sight of my cock wrapped in lacy pink satin I started leaking! When I was all dressed she looked at me and smiled. "You make such a good-looking girl sweetie. And without much work! "My goodness. You might need to lose the little hair here and there like your legs and feet as well as under your arms but, seriously!" she continued asking, "How do you feel?" "I feel kinda cold and silly, and you laughing doesn't help, but, at the same time, I'm hard as a rock, I can't lie!" was my honest response as stating the obvious was, well, obvious! "I feel sexy and that makes me hard C.C.. Do you like that it turns me on?" I asked her. "I love that it turns you on sweetie!" was her rather fast answer. She continued, "I've always wanted to play with a dressed man but have never have had the chance." she said as she sipped on a bottle of water continuing, "Most men that I've been with would never contemplate such a thing and those that might wouldn't look sexy if they did regardless." "Good!" I say as I take her face gently into my hands, leaning in and kissing her deeply. "I like making you happy C.C.!" I say rolling away towards the door, taking a last drag from my cigarette then snubbing it out in the dirty then zipping up the tent. Having not contemplated that I'd lifted my panty clad ass into the air, I was soon reminded of the fact as her hand came down on my ass cheek with a crack. As I grabbed my assaulted ass and jumped to turn towards her I yelped, "Ow ah C.C., that hurt!" Then asked, "What the heck?" "But, did you like it is the better question?" she asked, giggling and again giving me her side-eye, tilted head, I'm so pretty look! "I kinda did C.C.!" I replied giggling and lifting my ass up slightly towards her still rubbing my reddened flesh. "I thought you might you bad girl!" she said leaning back and grabbing a bag, continuing as she reached in, "I keep this handy for people like us!" Pulling out a short riding crop with a wide end handing it to me. "Not tonight babe but I'd be game sometime." I say after slapping my hand with the crop to test it out then leaning in to kiss her soft and gently as I put it down. "Tonight I just want to play under the sheets and get some sleep for the day tomorrow you bad girl. It's already gotta be five - six in the morning." I whisper as we lay down and I nibble on her ear, pulling the blanket up around us. "Sounds good to me!" She whispers back as she slides down my body and underneath the blanket. "Oh baby, that's perfect right now!" I coo as she cups my bulge. Feeling her lips mouthing me through the fabric of those panties was divine. Having never experienced such a sensation and loving every minute of it, I was sold on the notion of pantied play right there! As she continued to get me hard through the panties I strained my hips to keep contact with her mouth. "Does that feel good baby?" she asked reaching up and hooking her fingers in the waistband of the panties and pulling down, continuing, "This should feel even better!" I lifted the covers to peek now real curious. Noticing it would be helpful if I lifted myself to let her slide off my panties I say, "Let me help." as I raised my body she slid my panties off. "That's so hot!" she said as she took my cock into her mouth. As she sucked my cock her hands wandered to my chest and she started groping at my breasts, pinching my nipples through the bra. "Bring that tasty pussy of yours here baby. I want you in my mouth, now!" I said practically demanding she mount my face with her succulent pussy. "Yeah baby, you want my dripping wet pussy?" she said slapping my cockhead. "Ow ah, yes baby." I replied flinching a bit then continuing, "I want that sweet wet pussy of yours in my face so bad!" With that she gave my cockhead another good smack, lifting herself from the warm confines of the blanket and mounting my face. Feeling cold air now I grab the blanket and throw it over us. After she orgasmed many times, and, as it was getting hard for me to hold my orgasm back any longer, I tell her, "I want to cum in that yummy poussy of yours!" "I suppose you've earned that much even though it is our first night together." C.C. replied as she somewhat reluctantly dismounted my face. We began kissing passionately now distinctly recognizing the taste of my precum in and on her mouth. Sensing my passion she begins kissing me with more passion. Again time stops for us as we kiss for I don't know for how long. Snapped out of my trace by her moist vagina rubbing my leg as she climbs onto me I ask, "Do you have any condoms C.C.?" as I absent-mindedly left mine in my other baggage. "Don't worry about it baby, we don't need any protection." she mumbled as she kissed my chest. "Tubes are tied and I've only slept with my husband as of late." she continued as she rubbed her pussy up and down my now rock hard cock. Normally I wouldn't have fucked her but for some reason I trusted C.C.. And, let me tell you, we fucked like rabbits that night with her at first riding me, then me riding her doggy, and finally ending with me cumming deep in her from behind with one leg pushed to her chest and the other outstretched. As my back arched I gave out a loud grunt. Holding onto her thigh tight with both hands my legs started involuntarily shaking. "Oh baby!" she cooed as my orgasm subsided and I collapsed onto her, my chin leaning on her shoulder and our now sweaty bodies slithering together in a blissful embrace as we begin kissing, my hands cupping her face. We rubbed noses then got onto our pillows to get more comfortable. A thought then crossed my mind and I slid under the blanket to clean her up before falling asleep. As my tongue reached deep into her pussy and my mouth filled with cum she let out a moan. When I finished cleaning her vagina satisfactorily her clitoris the became my focal point, wanting to work her to another orgasm. And cum she did, all over my face! Coming up from under the covers having accomplished my mission I wiped my face and gave her a kiss then rolled over and pushed my ass back into her. She placed one hand on my naked ass cheek and the other hand found its resting place grabbing my boob, well, more or less bra as she rubbed her chest into my back. I smiled as she grabbed me giving a good ass wiggle and a giggle as I pushed my bottom into her and swear I heard a slight giggle from her as we both feel asleep. Waking up really needing to pee I looked over to see if C.C. was sleeping. As I look its clear she's awake as she looking right at me as she says, "Good morning baby, how are you?" I give her a quick peck and tell her, "I'm great love but I've got to pee!" "Me too but you seem all ready to go and I need just a minute." she replied. Looking down to find my cloths I see both the panties I wore last night as well as my boxers. I opted to quick put on the panties as they're so pretty. Much more so than my plain old boxers I remember thinking. Arranging my junk in the panties then yanking up my pants I then throw on a jacket to mask the fact that I'm still wearing a bra and walk over to my bag. "Alright, I'll be back in a bit." I say zipping my bag up after grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste. Opening the door of the tent I then duck out. After going to the bathroom as well as brushing my teeth I come back and a woman's standing at the door of the tent waiting. As I approached with trepidation she looked and smiled saying, "Here dear, have some breakfast tea and a piece of almond kringle." holding out a plated piece of kringle and a saucered teacup continuing, "After last night it sounds like you could use it!" Accepting the tea and kringle I'm certain I was numerous shades of red but nonetheless replied, "Thank you. I am very much appreciative of this morning treat to help us reinvigorate." With that I turned saying, "Good morning." then ducked back into the tent a bit surprised to find C.C. already inside. "Oh my god baby, did you happen to hear our conversation?" I ask as I zip the tent. "Yes." she replied in a timid voice. "I guess we were a bit loud!" I say as I hold out the kringle offering her some. Lifting the kringle, taking a bite and placing the rest back down she whispers, "I completely forgot where I was at some points last night Jon. I'm so sorry." "No worries C.C.. It's was fun and totally worth a bit of embarrassment!" I say smiling as I sit down. "Really? You don't mind people knowing we fucked and were loud about it?" She asked as I handed her the tea. After finishing my bite of the kringle I replied, "Well, I'd rather it not have been so public but it's not like we can do anything about it now anyway. If people aren't upset but know so be it. We're all adults here and that pales in comparison to some of the things I've seen here!" "Come here and hold me baby, kiss me." She demanded opening her arms. "Do you mind people watching?" she asked running her hands through my hair as I lay my head in her lap. "Well, I haven't often had the extra eyes in the room but have enjoyed the few times when they were." I responded looking up at her. "How would you feel about people seeing you dressed as a girl? How would that make you feel?" She asked looking down with a penetrative stare. "I'd be really nervous that I would look silly. Like a dude dressed in a pink tutu with his chest hair hanging out or something. On the other hand, if I looked good, like a woman, and people got off on it I'd probably get off on it too." I responded while flirtatiously batting my eyes at her. "Well, you look pretty damn sexy in that panty and bra set but I've got another outfit I was planning on wearing but have other things I can make work. After thinking about it this outfit has you written all over it babe. Let me get it out. Up!" she said as I lifted my head off her lap for her to slide out. She did then reached into her bag as she asked, "Would you at least try it on for me?" continuing, "If you look good you can wear it out and if you look like a 'hairy man in a pink tutu' we'll let it remain our little secret. Deal?" "Okay, but if I look silly I'm not going out and would indeed ask that you keep this between us." I say then ask, "Deal?" "Yes. Deal." she answers pulling out a pair of black elbow length fingerless gloves and placing them on another bag. "Get naked my boy." she demanded and I immediately and without hesitation started undressing. C.C. reached back into this magic goodie bag of hers as she called it now pulling out nude 15 denier thigh high stockings with red seams and floral lace as well as red lace up backs and a big, gorgeous red bow. Placing them alongside the gloves on her bags she reached back into the bag. "And these." she said giggling and pulling out red floral lace up thong panties and a matching lace up bra with a large bow in back with a small bow between the cups. "Put these on my pretty." she snapped as she collected the garments and handed them to me. Accepting them from her I finished undressing. "Don't put the gloves on now though, we'll put those on last." she said as she walked to her bags trying to find things for me to wear. I started fumbling with the stockings trying to get them on but being unfamiliar with the whole process was fumbling with them and getting frustrated with not being able to align the seam right. "Wait!" she shouted noticing my struggles and stopping me from putting on the nylons by quickly and rather firmly grasping both my hands holding them still. "You're going to put a run in those before you even get them on." she snapped. "Hang on." she continued now clearly a bit frustrated. I stopped moving and lit up a cigarette while taking the moment to think about all that was going on. "Here." she said holding out a pair of silk elbow length gloves for me to grab as she said, "Wear these as you're putting them on. You've got to gather up the stocking to put them on, then slide your hands into the nylons to open them up then place your foot inside the stocking and gently pull them up your leg." she said demonstrating with her arms in the nylon with the seem positioned right. "Make sure you get the seam in back too, get your hands all the way to the toes and align the seem just behind your pinky's when you start also aligning the toe seem parallel with your toes like this. See?" she asked looking at me. "I do." I answer placing the gloves on my hands. I then slide them into the first stocking opening it up with the seems aligned, then slide my foot in pulling up tight and letting the nylon unfurl as I go along. With as snap I finish putting on the first stocking, and, let me tell you, it felt wonderful! As I slid my other leg into the stocking I looked down and was getting hard. C.C. noticed this too saying, "My, my, what a naughty boy I've found!" as she pulled out a brown leather lace up mini-skirt as well as a brown overbust steel-boned corset with gold eyelets and buckles. "Finish getting dressed, and quickly!" she demanded snapping me out of it and reaching into another bag while laying the corset and skirt down on her bags. "Then put these on so we don't ruin those nylons." she said handing me a pair of red leather ankle tie heels which had to be three inches at least. Fortunately for me the heels were wide and my guess was that she anticipated being on unpaved ground and brought these particular heels for this exact reason. Lucky me! "Pretty self-explanatory." she started continuing by saying, "Wrap the tie around your leg forming x's then tie it at the back with a bow once you've gone around about three times nice and tight. Make sure you keep the straps flat too. They'll look much better if you do." she said as I took the heels from her. I stood up and pulled the panties out and away from me to arrange myself then let them snap back into place after centering them well. Once satisfied I sat back down to start slipping into the shoes. As I slid my foot into the feels I felt so girly and I loved it! Having finished tying up the first shoe I slid my foot into the other as she shouted, "Arms up. Quick." as she slipped a white, fully-shirred maidens blouse over my now raised arms and over my head. Pulling it down and into place she paused to take a look commenting, "You look pretty damn good already my dear!" continuing, "But you're going to look great in this too!" Handing me the leather mini-skirt. She didn't need to tell me what to do. I finished tying up the second shoe then stood up and stepped into the mini-skirt nearly toppling over but managing to stabilize myself. After pulling the skirt up over my hips, tucking in the shirt, then turning towards her I asked, "Would you tie me up please?" Humorously and laughing a bit she replied, "I've only known you a day and you're already begging me to tie you up?" "For sure baby, I'd love to tie you up. I mean, help you get dressed!" she continued as she pulled tight on the x's the ties formed so as to tighten things up nice and snug, then again, and yet again. She wasn't gentle either, she pulled really hard on those ties! She completed her work by tying a knot when things were satisfactorily tight and finished things off with a bow, pulling the remaining lengths to carefully align them. "Whalla." she said raising a thumb and two fingers to her mouth and kissing them then raising them into the air as though she were sending the kiss to heaven while saying, "Magnifique!" "Wow my dear, you look so sexy right now!" she said as she looked at me and I turned around to pose my ass for her a bit. I was surprised by how hard it was to walk the skirt was so tight! "It's time to get you into this now." she said reaching for the corset. Instinctively I raised my arms and she slid the corset down into place, made a few adjustments, then buckled it up tight. "Lay down on your stomach for me Jon." she said as she finished the last buckle. Laying down she climbed on top of me straddling the small of my back. She then grabbed at the ends of the ties pulling the lacing tight. Maintaining tension on the ties she then went over each x formed by the lacing and pulled it tight working from the outside in, then pulled the ends tight. She did this twice, then the third time she placed her knee into my back and pulled on the ties hard nearly pulling me off the ground then tied them off in a knot and bow just as she had on the skirt. Once satisfied with her adjustments she got up saying, "There." as she walked towards her bags she continued, "Now for a few finishing touches." Reaching into another of her bags she pulled out a wide red leather choker with a gold buckle and a 1 inch gold ring at the front with matching leash attached. She detached the leash, then handed it to me smiling and asking, "Will you please be my fucktoy baby?" "I'd love being your fucktoy baby!" I responded smiling back and placing the collar around my neck, buckling it nice and snug. She stepped back to look at me. "Hum?" She mumbled as she put her finger to her lips clearly thinking. As she looked me up and down you could see the answer had come to her as her eyes went wide and started glistening. "I've got it!" she shouted as she started taking out a few of the ear bars she had in her ears, which was her "final" touch. She took the gold ear bars and placed them onto me, with one just behind my earlobe and the other clamped at my earlobe. The one at my earlobe had a small gold chain attached which dangled down much as an earing would and looked oh so sexy. She then stepped back to look at her handiwork. "Well?" I asked continuing, "How do I look babe?" looking over my shoulder at her and placing my hands on my hips while I raised my ass in the air back arched. "See for yourself." she said as she reached into her bag and pulled out a mirror. It was a bit awkward in the tent and the lighting was rather dim but we managed to set up a mirror leaning against one of her bags then she illuminated me a bit with a flashlight. As I looked at myself I thought, "Not bad!" As I was admiring myself in this girly gear lifting my ass and arching my back with my hands on the crease of my thighs, knees together, feet apart. I looked stunned as my cock stirred and I became lost in looking at myself. "You look really good girlfriend!" C.C. shouted as she apparently was admiring me too. "But, I think one more of these will touch off your ears really well and make you look more girly." she said pulling out another ear bar then placing it on my tragus. As she stepped back to look at me again she said "Yes! That's it." as she tilted her head and started taking out another ear bar which she then placed on my other tragus. "Babe with some light make up you'll be stunning. You'll hardly look at all like a man, especially with your Adam's Apple covered. Seriously, you're hot!" I had to admit that with all signs of my masculinity covered I did look feminine and pretty. Looking at myself again I thought some more then said aloud, "Hell, I might even want to fuck me babe! My mind doesn't know what to do. It sees a pretty girl and wants to fuck her but it knows that girl it wants to fuck is me!" We both giggled then she asked me to take a seat so she can apply some make up and quick do my hair. Sitting down I lit up a cigarette to smoke while she starts brushing my hair. "Have you ever worn braids?" she asked leaning forward while looking around my head to see into my eyes while continuing, "You've got the prefect face for them." "Once when I was younger my sister put my hair into braids but that's about it." I replied. "Well, we're going to get you into some braids quick today lover!" she said as she started dividing my hair down the middle to start forming two braids. About ten minutes later when she'd finished braiding my hair she asked me to turn around and look at her. After looking at me for a bit she clapped her hands and placed them on my cheeks. "You look so pretty baby." she said as she leaned in and started to passionately kiss me. I closed my eyes and we continued to kiss until her stomach grumbled making us both laugh. "Someone's hungry!" I said as we quick kissed. "We've got to get going if we're to catch breakfast. Let me quick get a bit of make up on you." she said as she started brushing on some light foundation. As she started doing my make up she realized I was a bit scruffy. And I was a bit as I hadn't yet shaved. So I got up and went to my bag to get out my razor as well as all-purpose camp soap to start shaving. "While you shave I'm going to quick get ready myself." she said continuing as she opened a bottle of water and took a sip, "When your done we'll get you made up and see if we can still catch the tail end of breakfast." as she held out the bottle offering it to me. Taking the bottle of water I took a quick sip then filled a cup I'd found, placed my razor into the cup, then set it down. Splashing water on my hands I then used them to moisten my face. After squirting the soap into my hands I lathered it up, applied this lather to my face, then used a shirt to dry my hands and got to work. As I finished up C.C. came back in and sat down beside me saying, "Thank you for being willing to do this with me. I'm sure my friends will adore you and I don't even know if your friends will recognize you." Rinsing the razor in the cup I replied, "You're welcome C.C." Starting the final strokes of my shave I continued, "Let's stay away from my friends if we can help it though. At least until I get more comfortable in this skin." As I splashed some water on my face then again grabbed my worn shirt and started to dry off my face and hands she replied, "Okay sweetie." Leaning over to kiss her I finished dried my hands and dropped my shirt, placing my hands onto her hips. "I appreciate that C.C.. I'm still a bit taken back." I mumble during a short interlude in our oral explorations. We broke our now passionate embrace and she got to work applying a light foundation as well as a bit of highlighter to my cheekbones followed by a modest amount of blush. Once she was satisfied with her work she applied mascara, as well as eyeliner under my eyes, and a reddish-brown eye shadow to my eyelids. Her final touch was a bit of lipstick followed by lip gloss. Which after applying she stuffed into the overbust with a wink and a pat to my breast. "There." she said as she finished and was leaning over to grab the mirror for me to see. She handed it to me and when I looked at myself all dolled up I nearly lost it in my pants. Seriously! As I sat in disbelief of the fact that the pretty girl before me in the mirror was in fact me she asked, "So, what do you think of yourself now sweetie?" "I'm shocked really!" I whisper as I turn towards her and look into her eyes. After taking another moment to move the mirror around while changing poses, taking all of me in, I continued, "Thank you for helping me look so pretty baby!" Almost simultaneously we both leaned in as our lips puckered in preparation for a quick peck we each grumbled, "Let's go eat!" We quick kiss and I take a deep breath. As I started standing I almost ripped the skirt and probably would have had it not been made of leather. But, it was, and as such I fell onto my side unable to get up. As I sat there laughing at my predicament C.C. ran around the tent laughing hysterically while slapping her knees. When she'd finished her hysteria she walked over and reached her hands down to me offering to help me up and I accepted. "Ha, ha." I mumbled as I stood up snarkily shaking my head as I dusted myself off and started walking towards the door. "Oh, don't forget these gloves baby." she said remembering we hadn't put them on and picking them up. "Can't forget those as they are so sexy!" I replied as I took them from her slipping one as I turned around and the other as we walked towards the door. Leaving the tent and venturing out in public dressed as a woman for the first time I was a bit nervous and butterflies started stirring in my stomach. But I looked over and there she was holding the tent flap up for me, holding her arm outstretched saying, "Ladies first." That was all the motivation I needed apparently as I walked past her smiling as I ducked out wondering what might be in store for me today dressed as a woman. Walking down the pathway towards the longhouse she grabbed my ass with a devilish grin on her face. She looked over at me smiling as her hand left my ass and she took my hand into hers saying, "Let's go eat my dear, I'm hungry!" | ||||||
Monday, December 16, 2019, 12:04:51 AM- A Sissy Dream - Twelve Days of Fuckmas | ||||||
On the first day of Fuckmas Daddy gave to me His fat cock for worshiping On the second day of Fuckmas Daddy gave to me Two shaven balls And his fat cock for worshiping On the third day of Fuckmas Daddy gave to me Three different butt plugs Two shaven balls And his fat cock for worshiping On the fourth day of Fuckmas Daddy gave to me Four pairs of high heels Three different butt plugs Two shaven balls And his fat cock for worshiping On the fifth day of Fuckmas Daddy gave to me Five fuck me dresses Four pairs of high heels Three different butt plugs Two shaven balls And his fat cock for worshiping On the sixth day of Fuckmas Daddy gave to me Six dildos for practice Five fuck me dresses Four pairs of high heels Three different butt plugs Two shaven balls And his fat cock for worshiping On the seventh day of Fuckmas Daddy gave to me Seven sexy swimsuits Six dildos for practice Five fuck me dresses Four pairs of high heels Three different butt plugs Two shaven balls and His fat cock for worshiping On the eight day of Fuckmas Daddy gave to me Eight cocks for milking Seven sexy swimsuits Six dildos for practice Five fuck me dresses Four pairs of high heels Three different butt plugs Two shaven balls And his fat cock for worshiping On the ninth day of Fuckmas Daddy gave to me Nine gurls for playing Eight cocks for milking Seven sexy swimsuits Six dildos for practice Five fuck me dresses Four pairs of high heels Three different butt plugs Two shaven balls And his fat cock for worshiping On the tenth day of Fuckmas Daddy gave to me Ten naked men all laying Nine gurls for playing Eight cocks for milking Seven sexy swimsuits Six dildos for practice Five fuck me dresses Four pairs of high heels Three different butt plugs Two shaven balls And his fat cock for worshiping On the eleventh day of Fuckmas Daddy gave to me Eleven peckers peeking Ten naked men all laying Nine gurls for playing Eight cocks for milking Seven sexy swimsuits Six dildos for practice Five fuck me dresses Four pairs of high heels Three different butt plugs Two shaven balls And his fat cock for worshiping On the twelfth day of Fuckmas Daddy gave to me Twelve months of hormones Eleven peckers peeking Ten naked men all laying Nine gurls for playing Eight cocks for milking Seven sexy swimsuits Six dildos for practice Five fuck me dresses Four pairs of high heels Three different butt plugs Two shaven balls And his fat cock for worshiping | ||||||
Sunday, August 12, 2018, 5:29:01 PM- | ||||||
An Awakening - My First MMF by jon414© Sitting around the house by myself one summer evening I could have hardly anticipated how dramatically my sex life was about to change. While enjoying a bowl of popcorn and watching The Martian, my telephone rings. It's a close friend, and he's with a woman, and they are both wanting to come over, have a few drinks, and hang out. Being in the mood for some company I agree and invite them over for a few cocktails as discussed. They arrive not long after we hang up the phone and even before the first round of drinks are finished she makes the recommendation that we get nude and spend some time outside on the back deck. I enjoy a strong woman that knows what she wants and also love being in the nude. So, with a strong, sexy female present wanting to get nude I was all game, regardless of there being another man present! Now, you have to understand that I've wanted this woman for some time. She's a semi-professional golfer and has always kept herself in really good shape, her body is amazing and she's got gorgeous feet, legs, and her ass? My goodness, not only could one bounce a quarter off of it, but, I'd venture to say a half dollar bounced off her bottom would gain greater altitude than a quarter bounced off almost any ass around! So, I've always wanted to get my hands on her bare bottom and tonight seems like I might get my chance! The hang up is that she claims to be strictly lesbian but being that she is sitting around nude with two men one certainly might debate this fact, especially considering her pussy is starting to become visibly moist and most certainly when taking into consideration the full breadth of the evening. Tonight we're going to turn her on to bisexuality! Talk quickly turns to sex and how she is a lesbian but is also attracted to the right type of man, a gentleman. We query her more about this and all of the sudden and without any warning she straddles me while I'm laying back in my chair. I look to our friend to gauge his reaction. He gives me a thumbs up and begins fondling his cock. While she is grinding her pussy into my exposed crotch she starts passionately kissing me, darting her tongue in and out of my mouth, telling me, "I've always wanted you to fuck me as you're not like all the other guys." At that I scoop her up and bring her inside, setting her down on the backrest of the couch, going down on her marvelous pussy, lapping away at her succulent, savory juices, enjoying the somewhat acidic taste of her snatch and the wonderful aroma her pussy is emitting. After a few minutes swirling my tongue around her labia I gently flick my tongue over her now very sensitive and engorged clit. At this she arches her back and begins to grind her snatch into my face, bucking wildly. Me being a world class pussy pleasurer I grab her ass to ride out her throws, pulling her moist crotch tighter to my face, sucking as much of her puffy pussy as I can into my mouth while at the same time using rapid circular motions with my tongue to stimulate her clit. Noticing her head has fallen backwards and her eyes have rolled back into her head I decide to ramp things up even more. As she grinds her pussy aggressively against my mouth I allow her to slip from my mouth but maintain contact with her clit. I then insert my middle finger into her pussy and begin rapidly finger fucking her sopping wet cunt while working over her clit with my tongue. At this she lets out an audible sigh. After working her pussy over real good I'm about to go nuts if I can't get my cock into her immediately. So I pause my box munching, position myself below her, and guide her soaking pussy down onto my now rock hard erection. She does not object one bit and as I slide in I'm taken back by the tightness of her delightful vagina. She takes control and starts riding my cock like a champ! Pulling her pussy all the way up and almost off my cock completely, she would look me in the eyes with a devilish grin and then slam her body back down onto my cock. Pure lesbian my ass, this girl can fuck! Numerous times this was repeated and I was in heaven being enveloped by her wonderfully silky snatch and being so vigorously fucked. After some time letting her ride away I needed to change positions as my leg was cramping and I just plain needed to fuck her, and fuck her hard! So I lift her up and place her ass back down on the headrest of the couch. In this position she was at the perfect height to receive a merciless pounding, and that's exactly what I had in mind! I grab her legs and bring both of her magnificent feet to my face. I position them held together in front of my mouth and begin to softly plant tender kisses on the soles of her amazing feet, enjoying the smell and salty taste of her sexy feet now stimulating my taste buds and nostrils. As I am doing so I position my cock at the entrance to her moist love tunnel and begin to flick her bean with my cockhead in an up and down motion, allowing the head of my cock to periodically part her labia as I massage her pussy with my cock to get her wet and ready for some hard fucking. Once she is sufficiently wet I grab her legs behind her knees and push her legs back against her chest. She's now perched on the headrest of the couch with her pussy very exposed and ready for some deep dicking. I slap my cock against her amazing snatch and then slide my cock slowly into her moist and very tight vagina. I watch in awe as my cock finally parts her lovely lips and disappears into her pussy after having desired to fuck her for so long! As I'm ravishing her pussy I tell her how good she feels and she replies back, "Oh Jon, I never thought I'd love cock so much, but, yours is filling me up so well and feels amazing, your penis is so hot!" I respond while injecting a bit of humor saying, "You know, you're now technically bisexual!" Little did I know what lied ahead for me in this area on this eve! At this she laughed and as she did so my cock was pushed from the confines of her pussy by her vaginal muscles contracting tightly due to her laughter. She and I both made a desperate attempt to grab my cock and place me back into her hungry snatch but someone beat both of us to it! Having completely forgotten about our friends presence I'm taken back by his hand suddenly reaching between my legs, grabbing my cock and rubbing the head of my penis around her labia before putting me back into her marvelous pussy. It all happened so fast I had no time to react much less contemplate any sort of response. Having never been touched by another man I was a bit taken back, but, being that my cock was now back within this fantastic snatch I didn't give much thought to it at the moment. His rather forward approach to assist us in our fucking was actually appreciated the more I thought about it! Taking note of my response or lack thereof he then began to rub her clit as I was fucking her and would occasionally "accidentally" rub my cock or balls. With only a few moments of this treatment she came hard. After her orgasm subsided a bit she pleaded with me to eat her pussy out again to help her cum once more as she was so close to cumming yet another time. I obliged without hesitation and with my face planted in her crotch she came wildly, squirming and squirting her cum onto my face in the process! Afterwards she explained that she had never done that before and was apologetic. I told her that it was amazing to see her body writhing so uncontrollably and to not worry about it one bit as I enjoyed myself immensely. Being that my face was covered in her tasty but tacky cum I suggested we take things into the shower. There were no arguments with this suggestion from anyone! We move to the bathroom and as I'm turning on the water as well as am testing the temperature she drops to her knees and sucks my flaccid member completely into her mouth, cupping my balls in both of her tender hands at the same time. It didn't take much to get me rock hard again and we entered the shower with me playfully guiding her into the shower like a dog on a leash, her mouth gripping and pulling at my now erect penis as she crawls forward on her hands and knees. I didn't want to cum yet, and when I did cum I wanted it to be deep in her sweet pussy and told her this much. Hearing this she reluctantly released my penis from the grip of her mouth. She then further added to the eroticism of the moment by being a bit coy, acting disappointed and upset that she no longer had my cock in her mouth. This made me want to cum deep within her even more, she knew exactly what she was doing too. Again, strict lesbian my ass! Screw labels just do what feels right for you dammit! As I'm finishing washing her up and am playing with her marvelous mammaries she puts some shampoo into my hair and starts to massage it into my scalp. It feels so good that I close my eyes to enjoy all the sensations. Needing to rinse the shampoo from my hair she guides me to the stream of water, at least that's what I thought she was doing! As I'm enjoying the water and her hands are caressing my scalp I feel something brush up against my cock. Thinking nothing of it as her hands have been all over me I allow the shampoo to rinse off completely before opening my eyes to investigate. As I am about to open my eyes a hand firmly takes my cock into its grasp. Opening my eyes I am unprepared for what I am about to see. Looking down after having cleared the water from my eyes, there I see one of my best friends holding my cock tightly in his hand. He begins to jerk me off and I'm somewhat dumbfounded by the fact that I am not pulling back in the least. Prior to this if you would have described to me this situation I would have told you I'd have punched him in the face. Yet that was as far from my actual reaction as possible. I was actually really enjoying the fact that he was stroking my cock and allowed him to continue his manipulation of my member. She must have been enjoying the show too as she had brought her knees up to her chest and was giving her pussy one heck of a working over! I watched intently as he worked my cock but couldn't resist the urge to grab his cock too. So I stood up and grabbed his penis, bringing his cock closer to mine so as to rub our dicks together while I jerked us both off. This first time, this very first time my cock touched another mans cock was electric, that's the only word that gets proximal to describing the actual physical sensation of that first moment, a moment I'll never forget! As I worked our rigid cocks together I started fucking my hand with our cocks held tightly together in one hand, the sensation was amazing! Not wanting our female friend to be left out I used my free hand to work her clit over while she finger fucked herself. To say this was steamy does little justice to the scene, it was just plain and pure primal lust! As we all approached climax it must have been too much for him as he pulled away and quickly left the shower. She and I looked at each other a bit perplexed but we just smiled and continued to make out now alone in the shower. Wanting now more than ever to cum I suggest to her that we dry off and take things to the bedroom. She grins, takes my hand, and leads me from the shower, handing me a towel in the process. We quickly dry off and practically run to the bedroom! Our mutual friend must have had the same notion as he was already in the bed stroking his cock. She laid down beside him and began to suck him off. As I'm watching I notice her legs spread open and I take this as a clear invitation to complete my nights mission, to cum deep in her fantastic pussy. As I kneel between her legs I watch her working his prick with her mouth as I stroke my cock to hardness, readying myself for the moment I've been waiting for all night. Heck, this is the moment I've been waiting for years to arrive, to cum in her succulent and supposedly strictly lesbian pussy! If you can't tell already, I'm not much into superfluous labels! Once I'm fully hard I begin to rub the head of my cock against her clit and she lets out a soft moan that's muffled by the fullness of the cock filling her mouth. Once I'm nice and slick with her juices I place the head of my cock at the entrance to her pussy and push just my mushroom head into her tight box. I then pull out and repeat, each time putting a bit more of my cock into her pussy, loving the sensation of my cockhead popping in and out of her vagina. After a few rounds of this I slowly allow my full length to slide into her, then pull slowly all the way back out. I do this a couple more times and then begin using three short strokes followed by one very deep, and powerful thrust which I hold deep in her pussy each time. While holding my cock deep into her vagina I use short circular motions with my hips to gyrate my cock within her pussy. The next thing I know I feel a warm sensation blanketing my crotch, she's squirted her juices all over me and her hot fluid is completely coating my genitals. Amazing!!! Her cumming pushes me ever nearer my now imminent orgasm and as I watch she let's his cock fall from her mouth. To which I almost instinctively respond by cupping his balls in my hands as she continues to work his cock with her hand. I begin to massage his balls, loving the feel of another mans scrotum in my hand as I fuck her pussy. He must have been nearing orgasm too because it took no more than a few more strokes of his cock and minimal contact from me on his balls to set him off! Without warning his cock erupted his warm load all over both of our abdomens with me still inside of her. The feel of his seed mixed with our sweat and lubricating our bodies as we fucked was more than I could take, the eroticism of it all had reached its pinnacle and I was about to explode within her succulent pussy. My goodness I've waited so long to cum in her and the moment has finally arrived! With that I gave one last thrust and felt myself bottom out on her cervix, and could bear no more! As I hold my cock deep in her pussy I push my cock firmly against her cervix. This causes her pussy to clench down around my cock as she begins spasming in the throws of orgasm. That was all I could take and I started to shoot rope after rope of cum deep within her magnificent love canal. I literally passed out I came so hard! We all must have been in a similar state as the next thing I remember I'm being woken up by an ass wiggling playfully against my crotch. I look over to gaze upon her, and as I do she looks over her shoulder at me while saying, "Good morning lover!" With that my cock twitches a bit and I begin to harden, my cock as well being woken up simply through her words and the subtle suggestion. At this point I decided to get out of bed to start a pot of coffee and freshen up for the morning. Upon arriving back into the bedroom I couldn't help myself, she had allowed her feet to come out from underneath the blankets and they were dangling over the side of the bed. It was a gorgeous sight with which to come back into the bedroom! So I got down on my knees and started massaging her feet. She wiggled her toes and let out a soft moan saying, "Ahh, that feels so good." This was music to my ears and was all the encouragement I needed to continue worshiping her lovely feet! I took both of her big toes into my mouth and began to caress the underside of her toes with the soft underside of my tongue. After having encircled each of her big toes numerous times I then begin paying attention to the sensitive skin between her delectable toes. Once I'd given her big toes the attention I felt they deserved I moved on to giving attention to each of her perfect toes one by one, and then working my way back to her big toes. After giving her luscious toes some loving I began to massage the balls of her feet, firmly pushing against the arch of each foot with the palm of my hands, drawing my hands up towards her toes while maintaining firm pressure on her arch. As I'm doing this I begin planting soft kisses on the balls of her feet, followed by gentle licks. I'm so caught up in pleasuring her as well as in the wonderful smell of her slightly stinky feet that I didn't notice she had begun masturbating her pussy and was now dripping wet! Upon taking note of this fact I slowly began placing tender kisses all the way up her legs towards her snatch. Upon arriving at her gorgeous pussy I placed a kiss on her hooded clit and gave her slit a quick lick, then began working my way back down to her other foot. Once at her foot I continued the same process of working my way back up towards her vagina. As I was on my way back up our bed buddy starts to move around, he must have sensed what was going on as I could clearly see the tent his cock was forming as it pushed up against the bedding. "Good morning, I see someone's awake and in a good mood!" I say to him as I begin to give her clit a good tongue bath. "Coffee's done man if you want some." I tell him while continuing to relentlessly work over her clit. She then puts her hands on my head and holds me still. She then says, "I want your cock in my mouth now!" So I crawl up to her and kiss her on the lips then climb on top of her, positioning my cock and balls just above her hungry mouth. It must have been quite the sight for our friend to walk in on because when I noticed him in the room he was holding a cup of coffee in one hand, his rock hard cock in the other and is stroking off while watching us make out. This sight must have sent her over the edge as the next thing you know her thighs are wrapped tightly around my head as her convulsions hit in the throws of orgasm! Once her orgasm subsided and I had climbed off her face she tells me, "You sure know how to eat some pussy. You're up there with some of my lesbian friends you know!" "What can I say, I am very oral!!!" I tell her in reply, not yet fully aware of the ramifications of those words being spoken aloud. This must have piqued the interest of our friend as he began walking towards us, his hard cock tossed side to side with every step. Having dismounted her face I'd laid my head on her thigh and was taking in the sight and sweet aroma of her pussy. He laid down beside her and his penis came to rest on her other thigh, just inches from my face. I'd never seen a penis up close before and was taking in the spectacular sight. The texture of his cockhead, how his balls were held so tightly against his body, and the pearl of precum that had accumulated at the tip of his member all surprisingly got me hot. I was so turned on having his dick this close to my virgin mouth I began wondering what he tasted like, how he would feel in my mouth. Gazing at his cock now within reach I couldn't hold back my desire to suck his cock any longer and started to move my mouth towards his manhood almost involuntarily. He must have noticed my intent because he arched his back, which gave me unfettered access to his marvelous member. As I got nearer I began to smell the manly, musky scent now emanating from his balls, and took note of the incredible amount of heat radiating from his rod. It was intoxicating! Now just an inch from my hungry mouth I grab his cock and begin jerking him off and am loving the sight of his cock so close to my face. Having taking note of the incredible amount of precum he's leaking I decide I need to taste him and place my tongue into the droplet of precum that had accumulated at the tip of his penis. For a split second I ruminate on the wonderful taste now filling my mouth and the scent of his genitals wafting through the air. I'm amazed at how hard I've become! As I continued to admire the hard cock in my face the urge to suck him into my mouth became too overwhelming. As I continue jerking him off I slowly begin wrapping my lips around his cockhead. At this he gasps and while looking down at me he says, "Ohh, that's your mouth, my goodness it feels wonderful!" Again, that was all the encouragement I needed! Without any hesitation and now curious as to how much I can take of his prick in my mouth I go down onto his cock as far as I could go. As he hits the back of my throat I can feel his spongy head enter my throat followed by his rigid rod. I nearly gagged but found I could control my gag reflex pretty well. Having never sucked a cock I had to think about what I should do to him next, about all of the things I like someone to do with my cock in their mouth. As I'm remembering how good a wet, warm, and tight mouth can feel around your cock I decide to suck each of my cheeks in tightly and use pressure to pull down the roof of my mouth so that his cock is completely enveloped by my soft, supple, silky, slutty mouth. As I do so I also begin to run my tongue along the underside of his penis, ensuring that I pay close attention to his frenulum. Feeling dirty and wanting to enhance that effect I take his cock out and start slapping it against my tongue and rub it all over my face. I then begin to move my tongue tenderly along the crown of his cockhead in a circular motion, as if chasing his cock through the air with my tongue. He let's out a deep sigh and hearing this I immediately go back down fully onto his cock, taking him into my hungry throat yet again. Once fully down on him I cup his balls with both hands and begin to gently massage his testicles while at the same time going up and down on his hard prick using my mouth with increasing rapidity. After a few minutes of this he cries out that he's about to cum. I knew that's what I wanted but hadn't exactly thought it all the way through. Where he is going to cum had not occurred to me! Unfortunately he made the decision for me and took his cock from my mouth and began to jerk off positioned just over our female friends pussy as she was busy rubbing herself to another orgasm. She noticed what he had in mind and objected to the notion by covering her pussy with her hands. So at the last minute he placed his hand just inches from my face in such a way that his cock was opposite my face, with his hand positioned midway between us. Just as he positioned himself thick ropes of his cum began flying from his cock and landing in the palm of his hand. His cock was so near my face I was surprised by the fact that none of his jizz hit my face. "He must do that often!" I remember thinking to myself. It was such a turn on to catch an up close view of his cum spurting so forcefully out of his penis from that perspective. Having him cum so near my nose I was able to smell his semen and could still taste the precum he relinquished to my hungry mouth. It was so erotic and I was so turned on that unexpectedly and without having once touched myself all morning I came hard with most of my jism ending up coating our lady friends breasts. Wanting desperately to taste cum at this point and sensing my friend was reluctant to allow me to taste his I sat up, turned around, and began to place soft kisses on our lady friends belly, playfully tonguing her belly button in the process. It must have tickled a bit as she let out a giggle and squirmed a bit under my ministrations. As I approached her breasts I began to smell my seed and came across a rogue droplet I had not anticipated. Enjoying the taste I begin lapping at the cum that had coated her bosom as well as the pool that had accumulated in between, relishing in the taste of my semen mixed with that of her pussy, body, and sweat. As I'm enjoying myself my friend tells me as he's wiping the cum off his hands onto a hand towel, "Had I known you wanted to taste cum I would have just cum in your mouth!" I respond by saying, "There's always next time!" At that we all laugh and collapse back onto the bed, he and I placing our heads on her shoulders, all blissfully relaxed and satiated from the mornings sexual escapades. Fading back off into dreamland I remember thinking to myself, "Next time had better be pretty damn soon!" | ||||||
Wednesday, August 8, 2018, 12:49:47 AM- Anonymous Hotel Blowjob (Published Version) | ||||||
As I approach the doorway, a beaming grin comes to my face. I remember thinking to myself, "This has become quite familiar, hasn't it?" Without any hesitation I enter the unlocked hotel room of yet another anonymous man. As I do so I softly bite my lower lip. The room is dimly lit as I enter and as my eyes adjust I begin taking in the sight. I see him sitting in a chair facing the doorway watching intently as I enter the room. I slowly close the door behind me, making sure to lock it tight. As I turn, I remove my jacket, letting it fall to the floor at my feet. As I begin walking and get nearer to him, his sex, his manly, musky, sexual aroma hits my olfactory receptors and as it does so I'm sent into a state of pure bliss. He's sitting in his chair wearing an unbuttoned white dress shirt barely covering his tanned, toned six pack, and neatly trimmed treasure trail. The undone tie hanging around his neck hangs down between his shapely legs and is doing a rather poor job of covering up his obviously sizable package. Aside from his shirt and tie he is completely nude and there are absolutely no complaints from me in this regards! As I make my way closer, he moves forward a bit in his seat which allows his cock and balls to fall over the edge of the chair. As I watch his marvelous member hypnotically bouncing around before me, I'm mesmerized thinking, "My goodness, he's cut, about ten inches, maybe five and a half inches in girth, with a big, yummy mushroom head. You. Are. Mine!" I might have even have audibly told his cock this actually! I didn't waste one moment with talking, chatting or even flirting with him. I'm simply here to suck his cock and we both know it! And, like I say, his cock's all mine!! When nearly to him I sink to my hands and knees and crawl the last few feet. The moment of first contact has arrived. I let one hand gently glide ever so slightly over his thigh, tickling his leg hairs beginning at his knee and working back towards my target, his marvelous manhood. Reaching out with the other hand I cup his large cock and balls, enjoying the feeling of his soft, warm, erotic flesh in my hand, As I'm completely lost in sensory lala land, I let out an involuntary gasp of pleasure. I bend my head down, taking in more of his sweet musky scent. I gently wrap my hand around his stiff cock and lift it out of the way to place a tender kiss on his lovely, low hanging scrotum. As I do so I inhale deeply through my nose, becoming further inebriated by his now more concentrated and intoxicatingly manly aroma. As I'm leaving his magnificent balls, I suck a testicle into my mouth and allow it to leave my mouth with a sudden pop. I rub his cock all over my face, smelling his wonderful scent. At this he moans deeply and jumps slightly in his chair. Noticing that his cock has begun leaking tasty, silky elixir, I stick my tongue out and begin slowly and very deliberately moving closer to his cock, curling just the tip of my tongue upwards as I approach. Once his cock is within reach, I place the tip of my tongue into the delectable droplet. I can feel the slickness of it dissolve onto and then coat my tongue, the slight salty taste of his precum fills my senses. I'm now in a state of pure ecstasy. I lick my lips while ensuring the underside of my tongue begins making contact with his frenulum. In this position his precum laden cockhead is right at the tip of my nose. I again inhale deeply taking in the scent of his wonderful precum soaked penis, happy to again be tasting him on my lips. I rub his cockhead under my nose a few times so as to be able to continue taking in the scent of his precum, which now is absolutely covering my nostrils. I then kiss the end of his penis passionately, finally opening my very ready, hungry mouth, allowing his large, glorious manhood to slide against my lips on its way into my mouth. I suck his still somewhat soft cock into my mouth, feeling it beginning to become very hot on my tongue, filling my mouth more and more with his succulent cock each passing moment. The taste and smell of his now hot cock makes my mouth water as he fills me. Every taste bud on my tongue is savoring his manhood and precum. Every olfactory receptor is registering his hot, musky, masculine smell. The smell of his precum, the smell of his slightly sweaty balls, the heat now emanating from his genitals, everything about it, I'm loving it. It's all marvelous and I take it all in! I take all of his hot, hard cock into my mouth too, pressing my lips into the base of his cock, feeling his pubic hairs tickling my nose as I bury my face into his crotch. I feel his hands come down on my head as he pushes my mouth further down onto his hard prick, firmly holding my head in place. I grab his balls and suck them into my mouth along with his now rapidly hardening cock. It's quite the mouthful, but I manage to get all of him in, but just barely, and, not for very long! I shake my head from side to side with all of him in my mouth in triumphant victory as he feels amazing in my mouth! As he holds me down, I release his balls from my mouth and begin to use swollowing movements to stimulate the head of his cock. I feel him start hardening deep in my throat, pulsating, going from soft and spongy to hard and rubbery in a very short period of time. As he's hardening, his luscious cock pushes against my throat, almost causing me to gag, but I manage to overcome the reflex and relax my throat, allowing his cock to push ever deeper into my slutty throat. I swallow hard to help ease his big cock deeper into my eager throat and as I do so he simultaneously trusts his hips forward, helping to push his hardening cock ever further into my mouth. I swallow again to accommodate him fully as he's growing larger and pressing further into my willing and accepting throat. With one last thrust I am all the way down on his tasty cock, staring at his belly button. I begin to rhythmically stretch and contract my throat muscles around his hot rod as he begins to more vigorously fuck my face. At this point I take note of the fact that he's beginning to taste like saltwater taffy! How much better could it get? Yummy! Up until this point breathing had not been an issue as his cock hadn't been quite filling my throat. Yet now as his full mast erection is starting to restrict my ability to breath though my nose, I need a breather. This is despite my clear desire to keep the cock with which I'm now so enamored in my hungry mouth. I try to push my head up but he holds my head onto his cock for a few seconds more before finally letting my head come up. I don't want to pull off in haste, and, if he wants to be playful he sure better be willing to receive! As I begin slowly raising my mouth off his cock, I wrap two fingers around the base, squeezing very tight. I pull up the length of his cock, paying particular attention to running my thumb tightly along his urethra in order to draw out all the accumulated precum held within his glorious member. I pull my mouth up to the tip of his cock and lap at the precum that has accumulated there, beginning to seriously work over his knob. Swirling my tongue around his cockhead rapidly, then quickly going up and down on his cock with my lips and mouth. After a few times I begin to suck my cheeks together and pull down my hard palate to envelop his cock tightly on each thrust, tonguing his sensitive frenulum with a side to side motion. Periodically I take him out and slap his moist cock against my tongue, then continue my rapid tongue and mouth work on his man meat until he tells me he's about to cum. I quicken the pace and keep going a few more seconds and then completely break all contact with his cock and balls. Sitting back on the heels of my feet I admire the now rock hard, ten inch cock quivering in my face, ever so near cumming. I stick out my tongue and begin softly kissing and tonguing his large balls. I suck one into my mouth, tonguing it for a few seconds before going to the other to give it some attention and as I suck on his other ball I gaze down the length of his slick cock, my hand rapidly jerking his penis, precum glistening from the tip of his glorious member. I notice a string of his precum has bridged his cockhead and my hand. I release his nuts from my mouth and bringing my hand to my mouth, I lick his precum from my hand, taking in the wonderful taste of his cock juice. I quickly lower my mouth fully onto his cock and then bring him back out, take a deep breath and repeat. Looking down at me, my chin deeply planted against his balls, he smiles and gently pats my head like I'm his pet. I let his cock slip from my mouth and am about to respond but am so caught up sucking his marvelous tool that I involuntarily start licking up and down the full length of his cock again, completely distracted by his wondrous prick. I love the feel of his hard cock, wet from my licking as I jack him off, getting his cock nice and hard as well as slippery wet and tasty. I reach up my free hand between his legs to fondle his balls and cup them again in my hand. Having figured it's time to give him a real working over I slide my mouth over the head of his cock, licking around his tasty cockhead with my tongue for a couple of seconds, French kissing his cockhead, darting my tongue in and out of his urethra. I then begin sucking him deeper into my mouth. Looking up I find him watching with a smile on his face from ear to ear. I smile back with his cock still in my mouth and continue looking up at him while I take more and more of his cock into my mouth. I take a couple inches more of him and he hits the entrance to my throat. I then release his cock from my mouth, allowing it to pop loudly as the head exits. I then smack just the tip of his cock rather hard with the back of my hand, grab his balls tight with my other, and simultaneously leaning in towards him, looking him dead in the eyes saying, "Don't you ever pat me on the head like that again unless you're about to cum or you'll never again get such a great blowjob from me. I'm nobody's pet and you want this as much as I do, right? "You are after all the one getting your cock sucked! Deal?" I ask. He shakes his head yes in quite acknowledgement, sheepishly looking to the floor for some sort of reprieve. To give him some I grab his chin and pull turn his face towards mine. We lock eyes and I flash him the most devilish grin I can muster, then lick my lips. Suddenly and in one quick motion I slide my mouth down around the entire length of his massive, glorious cock. Feeling his pubic hairs at my nose again I stick my tongue out to savor the flavor of his scrumptious sack. I reach my hands up between his legs to make sure his balls are getting the attention they deserve while using my throat muscles to massage his massive cock. I keep his cock buried deeply in my throat as long as I can. Completely entranced by the feeling of his cockhead pulsing against the walls of my throat in such a rhythmic motion. I can even feel his heartbeat through his cock in my throat and it's making me hot! I keep him in my throat until I have absolutely no choice as I am in need of air. Keeping just his cockhead in my mouth I take the opportunity to give it some quick attention, along with his frenulum. Afterward I remove him from my mouth momentarily to place a tender kiss on the tip of his dick. Then immediately drop my mouth back down the full length of his erect penis in one motion for another round of fun! I grab his hands and place them on the back of my head. He gets where I'd like to see this to go and starts to push my head down further into his crotch while also leaning in to begin shoving all his cock down my throat, my nose again is tickled by his pubic hair. I smile. I widen my throat and breathe in heavily through my nose for a few seconds once I get down on him completely and just as I do he pulls my head back up, this time all the way up, barely leaving any of his cock in my mouth. He pauses for just a moment before slamming my head back down onto his rigid member. He continues fucking my throat with long, deep, powerful, and relentless thrusts. I can feel his cockhead pop in and out of my throat with every stroke. "My goodness I love this cock!!" I think to myself as he fucks my mouth and throat hard with his amazing penis, pushing my face against his toned belly every time he forcefully guides my hungry mouth back down onto his hot, delicious cock. How long this went on I could not tell you, I was completely lost in the moment, but, thankfully at this point I had become so accustomed to him fucking my face, because, without warning, his body begins convulsing while my head is pulled down onto his cock all the way seemingly with everything he could muster. His cock is jammed deep into my throat while my head is being held to his groin tight as a vice. I can feel his cockhead swelling and growing larger, his penis twitches and his balls spasm in my hands as his back arches. As the first load of his semen travels down the length of his cock I can feel each pulse against my throat muscles. As he orgasms it feels like my head is going to pop he is holding my head down onto his spasming cock so hard! With each pulse I enjoy the feel of his sperm ejected from his balls as they spasm in my hands and then as it streams down his cock as his urethra pulses. I'm fully immersed in the feeling of his cock sending his seed deep into my hungry stomach! As his convulsions weaken he pulls his cock back so just the head is left in my mouth. Another big load of his cum floods my mouth while his balls continue to dance in my hands. Loving this feeling I continue massaging his balls, feeling them pulling up with each spurt of his cum flowing into my awaiting mouth, pleased to now be able to better taste him. "My goodness he's tasty and I want more!" I thought! When he is finished cumming, I keep his cock in my mouth for a little post orgasm soaking to prolong the moment, and to keep pleasuring this marvelous member now emitting such delectable nectar! I finally and rather reluctantly release his tasty cock from my mouth with another loud pop. Giving his cockhead a playful lick and sucking just his cockhead into my mouth I french kiss his slit again, lapping up the remaining cum as my tongue gently leaves his cock. I look up to him and he is smiling down at me. I can see clearly in his eyes that he wants to see his load in my mouth. So I open my mouth wide to show him the delicious load he deposited into my dirty, slutty, cocksucker mouth, and that I had indeed been savoring. I tilt my head back and gargle with it a bit, swish it around my slutty mouth, between my teeth, reveling in the aroma, the taste, and the texture of his jizz as he looks down at me, still stroking his rapidly deflating cock. Looking him in the eyes I let a little bit of his cum run down my chin and then slurp it back into my mouth with a smile and a giggle. I repeat this a few times then tilt my head back, gargle one last time, and swallow all of his delectable semen, all the while looking deeply into his eyes. I cannot help but let out another giggle and an, "Ahhhh!" When I finish swallowing all of his tasty spunk, I lick my lips and use a finger to get the little that had escaped my hungry mouth. I lick my finger clean, swallow again and then open my mouth to show him that his hungry cocksucker has taken in all his marvelous seed. He nods his head in approval and motions me back to his cock with his gaze. My focus is again back on his wonderful tool that's now softening rapidly, but there was a remaining drop of sperm on his cock. So I bend down to lick up this last delicious drop of his seed. I then shove his whole cock back into my greedy, cocksucker mouth, happily shaking my head side to side as I do. As he's going soft I'm able to manage cramming both his cock and balls into my hungry mouth again and I suck deeply, tossing him side to side until he begins yelling, "Enough, enough, I can't take it any more, enough!" With that he releases my head from his firm grasp and I reluctantly release my hook like grip on his ass. As I'm pulling my mouth back up off of his cock and balls I maintain a firm seal around his cock, stretching it while also running my thumb along his urethra to get all his delicious nectar out, until with a pop his manhood is released from my mouth. I then bend down and give his cockhead another French kiss followed by some quick lip loving. I pull my mouth off his cock leaving a kiss on the tip. I then move attention to his balls, playfully rubbing my face into his now extremely smelly, sweaty balls, savoring this intoxicant. I finish up by sucking each of his testicles into my mouth one at a time and then give each a kiss before standing up, softly caressing his legs, while simultaneously turning to start walking towards the door. As I stop to pick up my jacket before proceeding through the threshold I think of saying something just before walking out but then realize nothing more need be said. He's gotten what he wanted and that feeling is most definitely mutual considering I'm still enjoying the taste of his sperm on my tongue and the smell of his cum on my breath! As I hear the door closing behind me I'm comforted enough knowing he has my number. I'm even further comforted by the fact that I now have his memorized! | ||||||
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