- Michman234
Gift PremiumI'm warm,friendly, very kind to others! Very outgoing.I have been told I'm a romantic at heart! I can hold a good conversation. And I am a good listener. I am very open minded!
- Joined 11 years ago
- Last login more than a year ago
Michman234's Blog
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Saturday, April 19, 2014, 2:50:16 PM- Holiday Weekend | ||||||
I wish everyone who reads this a wonderful Holiday! Well mine will be no different.My son will be working, well not see him!The wife is not doing so well. So Easter Dinner is all up to me! So I well be busy. That's all my family. Forget about that ! It's time to enjoy the Beginning of spring! So everyone Happy Easter! | ||||||
Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 5:15:48 AM- Farewell after being here for over 7 years! | ||||||
Well this has been fun here! I've made some great friends here. And I lost some great friends also. But recently it seemed like things have changed so much. People who would look forward to talking to you don't. Man I remember staying up till 3 am talking to friends on here. Would like to webcam with me. Now there gone! If they say hi I'm lucky! When I went though some hard times, they were my strength, my rock! And I always tried to be there for them!As well as others on here!To try to always give a kind word or so encouragement! To be a friend when needed!The last few weeks I've felt so lost. So alone here! So to those friends I want to say, I Love You all From the bottom of my heart! I wish you all Love,Joy,Peace and Happiness! I'm going to miss this place and all of you! Thank you for everything! | ||||||
Monday, December 2, 2013, 12:22:43 PM- My small Penis!! | ||||||
First let me say, I'm a diabetic ! It has had it's ugly affect on me. Loss of hearing in my left ear! But the most damage done was numbness in my feet and what I called the incredible shrinking penis! So seeing all these beautiful big Dick's really did a job on me! I was so embarrass! I did not want anyone to see it! You guys with your 3 to 8 inches I envy you!So finally Last week I ordered a Penis Pump!Well I only used it for two days!It hasn't grown as big as you all. But it is a little increase.And for someone like me it is so exciting. For the first time in 5 years I can stand up to pee! I'm hoping that in a week I just might get to be 1 and a Half inches long! I know I'm not going to be as big as most of you But if I could at lest be 3 inches and get hard again, I would be so happy! | ||||||
Friday, November 15, 2013, 11:39:37 AM- Wife gets to come home! | ||||||
For those of you whom have asked about the wife. She has improved to where she can come home! Her date to come home is Nov. 25 !They wanted a Wheelchair Ramp on the house. But having a heard time. I guess you have to be shown on TV. So they can get padded on the back. HEY, Look at what I did!Don't groups do these things with out the recognition. So I running out of time now! Groups just keep you waiting! I hope I can get it done so she can come home! | ||||||
Tuesday, October 29, 2013, 2:37:17 PM- She is in rehab! | ||||||
Well the wife is now in rehab. They are working on getting her to walk better!Lungs just don't want to! I can tell she has less then 20% now! Gone up to 3 liters per minutes! She hopes to be home for Thanksgiving! To those who have been saying a prayer for her I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I LOVE YOU! And John THANK YOU! Your a gift from God! | ||||||
Thursday, October 3, 2013, 11:21:01 AM- Update on wife | ||||||
Yesterday was the day!The 5th attempt to take her of the vent. This time they didn't tell her. For 2 hours she was breathing on her own! Doctor say they will move her out of ICU Friday! For those how been concerned and offered words of encouragement, THANK YOU! | ||||||
Tuesday, October 1, 2013, 4:19:22 PM- Update! | ||||||
Well the wife is still on Vent. They tried again last night but could not ween her off it!This is the forth time they tried. Now I'm starting to worry! I'm hoping to have seen more improvement. I will know more when I get up there! Now something else I want to blog about! Last night a friend has taken some time off of here. Many of you know this man! I've only know him for a short while.But, I have seen an amazing person in him! He is warm,and kind and showed just what it means to being a friend! To you my friend, I thank you for making me your friend! You have brought Joy to me and others here! So to you my friend, I send you Love and Peace your way! My prayer for you is that you gain your strength, become strong and if you can , come back to us! We love you my friend! | ||||||
Saturday, September 28, 2013, 11:08:34 PM- Up Date! | ||||||
Well, Update! The wife has improved ! First she is still has her breathing tube, and feeding tube! But she is more awake!The first thing she wanted to know was,where she is and how she got there!She says she doesn't remember anything of yesterday! The fireman, the being taken to the ER. I had to fill her in! I was so amazed at not knowing ! Twice yesterday she became non responsive! And I thought I lost her! But she is getting better.They are trying to ween her off the breathing tube.Sooner they can the better. So to those who sent best wishes and prayers, I thank you! You are all very kind! Your words of encouragement has been so beautiful. So thank you! | ||||||
Saturday, September 28, 2013, 4:37:25 AM- What Happen! | ||||||
Today Was one hell of a day! My wife almost died twice! I never know just hard it is. When your sitting there watching and you all alone. No one to talk to, No one with a word of encouragement! Hell, I even called my own brother, he was to busy! All he had to say was, Oh man Just hang in there! You feel so all alone. Trying to fight this battle for her! And your losing! It makes you think just how short life is!Or how alone you can really feel!Well I have a little heart pillow that I have. And through out my day when I run into people that need a hug! I hug that pillow thinking of them. Tonight I have two people that really needs a huge hug. My wife who almost died twice , And myself! Good night my friends! | ||||||
Thursday, September 26, 2013, 6:29:00 PM- Me, How things got started! | ||
I guess Things started when I was really little like 3 years old. I had a fascination with the feel of silky panties. I would take those panties and rub them while sucking my thumb. my mom told me ,one day she couldn't fine me.After looking for me for smoe time she found me. I was under the kitchen sink!Panties in hand and thumb in my mouth!So as young as I was I was after those panties. I remember once, We were standing at the churches steps . It was after Mass! I was reaching under my mom dress and had ahold of her slip. I justed love the feel of her silky under! So at a young age I guess it started! I don't remember more back then! My next time was when I was 13 years old! At that time I was a real perv.I was masturbate 3-5 times in a day!I would go and get some of mom's panties, stockings pantyhose ,Bra. I even got a skirt and top! I had so much fun It was my little world! Then one day my Dad needed something out of the attic. Boy, Did all hell break loose. My Dad and Mom really gave me the riot act! So I kept every thing to my self!Don't get me wrong I did Like real girls , They just seen me as a good friend! Nothing more! After a messy first marriage I married again! I never forget the Halloween Party! Boy that was awesome!A friend of mine was going to fix me up for me!So I went to a resell shop! Bough some things and went to K-mart! Got me some sexy panties and pantyhose! I was ready. As she worked on me I was getting excited!After the makeup I started to dress. I got naked and started putting on my panties. God it was hard!LOL! When I went to put on the bra there was trouble! she came in the bathroom to fix the problem. It looked so real! I finished and BOY , Was I hot! I was wanting to go out with my self for a date!HEHE! On my way home ,boy did I get the looks, I liked it! At the party no one knew how I was . Not even my wife! It took people almost 2 hours before my wife knew! The whole time I was so turned on! I had so much fun that night! I'm a little older now and a little heavier as well. So this is my start! More to come later! | ||
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