
US age unknown
Joined 17 years ago
Last login 17 years ago
Short, heavy, bald and a fur ball!
My NTN Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Guys
Am Seeking:A gay guy
Marital Status:Single
Member Since:10-Aug-06
Last Logged In:30-Jan-07
Location:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
About PhillyBear55
Star Sign:
Is Following:
Is Looking For:Casual Chat Room Talk, An Affair, A New Friend
Other:I'm not your average bear. My life is full of many interests including railroads, model railroads and restorations of railroads. Musically, Frank Sinatra and Patsy Cline are favorite perfomers to mention only a few. Respectful in nature, romantic by desire. Please have at least a face picture in your profile. Thank you! If you are of the opinion that we have to have sex just because I agree to meet you somewhere, then you need to contact some one else. I am not opposed to recreational activity, it's just that I am a romantic and I am slow to warm. Friendship is never out of the question though.
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