Gift Premium49 ish CD ( OK - "transvestic fetishist" ), kind of shy and geeky but with a lifelong love of lingerie and pr0n. Not sure what I'm looking for but hope I find it one day. On yahoo as [email protected]
- 61 years old
- Male
- Joined 11 years ago
StephanieFourier's Blog
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Friday, November 22, 2013, 1:05:25 AM- One Off Stories | ||||||
Once in a while I would wear panties and a bra to work. You know... because panties. So there was one day when I had on a nice matching pair of ivory briefs and bra and got called into a meeting with a superior and a co-worker... both female. SO there we were in superior's office discussing blah blah blah business stuff and I realized ...hey... I'm the only one here who knows pretty much for a fact everyone in this room is wearing panties and a bra. (unless, of course one or both of them was FTM which would have made it weirder....) | ||||||
Saturday, November 16, 2013, 8:00:08 AM- College Days | ||||||
OK - the situation is true... good friend, he was dumped, she left her lingerie and he let me take it.... I just like the way this version plays out better.... also there was a jigsaw puzzle of Chrissy from "Three's Company" involved as well, but it slowed the story down... They had been friends in high school, shared girlfriends, done a three way once. A few years out after grad, hanging out in his new town, doing the thrift shop cruising like they used to. Stephanie was in drabs. The small thrift store held a couple of treasures for him – a nice cardigan, a pair of bowling shoes… Stephanie’s eyes kept trailing over to the women’s section where she had caught a glimpse of something. Pretending to wander off while he focused in on the pants rack, she had seen The Dress. Long, white, silk, slit up to the thigh, it had hung on a rather flat looking mannequin. $50 the tag read. Stephanie had pretended to be interested in a rack of sunglasses while sighing silently over the dress. “ ‘Breakfast at Tiffanies’ – right? Looks like Audrey Hepburn’s”. He had sidled up next to her. “Um… yeah… “, she stammered… “that’s what I thought…hey you done here? I’m starving”. She recalled casting a long sad last glance at the dress as they exited the store. That night they had been drinking. The conversation had turned to his ex-girlfriend. Stephanie listened politely, sympathetically. She was not the nicest of people, treating him like dirt most of the time and Stephanie had actually been secretly glad when he called and told her. “Yeah… she walked out on me…. I dunno… left a bunch of her stuff too. I take her….” He had trailed off looking embarrassed. “What?” Stephanie had said. “I … heh… I take her panties and jerk off in them… cum buckets, man”. They both had laughed …. “So… want to see her lingerie collection? She had some sexy stuff” “Yeah, OK – “. Stephanie followed him into his bedroom. This was weird, but OK. She sorted through the panties, thongs, thigh highs and stockings in the drawer. A strong smell of perfume, with a faint hint of used lingerie wafted upwards. Stephanie inhaled. There was a gorgeous bustier as well as some silk panties that Stephanie had caressed lightly, loving the smooth feeling. “Nice stuff… lots of wank material here for sure “ she had joked, jealous of his possessions. “I ... uh..." "hmm?" Stephanie was focused on the lingerie.... "I...saw you staring at that dress today…. You had such a hard on for that…” Stephanie turned, flushed “W..what?” “Go ahead, try it on….. I want to see you ….” He had turned and left the room. Stephanie had considered the situation. They had both been friends for years, and had been through stupider things. Hadn’t they both dressed up for midnight “Rocky Horror” shows? Him as Riff Raff and her as Frank N Furter? “Dam you gots nice legs “ he had said once. She had chosen the bustier, thigh highs, black thong panties and a pair of lace arm length gloves. A little snug, but sooo sexy. There had been a pair of black 5” spiked heels that just fit her. She had stepped into the living room and struck as sexy a pose as she could. Turning to look over her shoulder, she had seen him naked on the couch, holding his cock. Stroking it. It was hard and much bigger that she had ever seen it – the quick glances in the change room it had never been erect. Stephanie had crossed over to the couch, and without a word, dropped to her knees and taken his cock into her mouth…. Stephanie had swirled her tongue around his beautiful cock…. taking it deep into her mouth. She had wrapped her lips over her teeth and pumped up and down the shaft, holding the base and rubbing it. She let her tongue caress his balls, sucking them gently. Then very rapidly she began to take him deep into her mouth, feeling him pushing at the back of her throat. Sucking hard and sliding him in and out. He came quickly, Stephanie had felt the hot cum spurting into her … feeling it thick and viscous…. She squeezed his cock milking him for more and licked the tip. He sat up and pulled his still hard cock from her mouth. “Mmmm… you liked that, didn’t you.. you little cum slut…” “Oooohhhh yesssss….” Stephanie had moaned, playing along. “Now you’re going to take it all. Stand up”. Stephanie had stood, curious as to where this was really going… “Pull those panties off slut, let’s see your tight pussy – I’ll bet it’s so wet right it’s dripping”. Stephanie thought so too… she had felt the precum leaking from her clitty, wetting the front of the thong. Apparently he had too “Oh yeah, you want it bad , look at that clitty….”. She hadn’t need to look, she felt it pulsing… waiting for him to take it, she hoped….. She had slid the now damp panties down to her heels and stepped out of them. Then she had stood before him, shaking slightly, clitty throbbing. “Oh you little slut – you want it soo bad don’t you. Do you? “ “Mmmmmm ooohhhh yesss… I do “ “Then get on the couch with that sweet ass in the air …” Stephanie crossed to the couch and knelt, leaning over the back. She had felt his hands caress her ass, roughly spreading her cheeks, kneading them. Suddenly a finger thrust inside her. She gasped at the intrusion. Slowly it massaged her pussy hole, pulling hard at the soft tissue. Stephanie moaned with the pain. “Maybe you need to be a little more wet, slut …”. She felt warm soft liquid pouring down between the spread of her cheeks, lotion or oil. He had begun to massage it in, cutting the friction, turning the pains into pleasure. “Ohhhhhhh yessss……… “, she moaned, “Do my pussy……”. “You want me now slut? Of course you want me….. “ She felt his fingers pull out, wishing they had lingered longer, only to be replaced by something larger – feeling his cock slipping in… in deeper and deeper, filling her up. The pain was not sharp, but there, mixed with feelings of total bliss at having him up inside. “He… he’s fucking me……” Stephanie had thought “ And I really like it “ “Oh yeah… your pussy’s so tight…. Mmmmm I’m all inside you now….. do you like my cock in your ass, slut?” “Ohhhh fuck yesssss….. “ He had begun to slowly slip in and out, pulling out slow and pumping in hard. The thrusts pushed her into the couch and she had to brace. Soon she caught the timing, and thrust back, pulling him in. “Oh yeah! Oh you DO like your ass fucked! I knew you would” He had begun to thrust harder, hands around her waist and pumping hard into her She had felt him hard inside, every bump and surface, forcing himself into her. She had let herself go now, there was no pain, just a desire to have him inside her all night, filling her up. “Oh yeah baby! Fuck me! Fuck your little slut’s ass hard baby! Fuck meeeeee” He had thrust hard and as deep as he could inside with a moan, arching his back. Stephanie felt his cock pulsing and throbbing deep in her ass as he came again, inside her this time. She swore she felt the hot cum spurting in deep in her ass as his cock spasmed. He thrust in and out again, pumping with less urgency….still pulsing, until slowly lowering his head and chest onto her back, sniffing the perfumed lingerie deeply. She felt the hardness leave his cock, felt it slip out from the pressure and lube “Noooooooo” She thought “More…please more”. Her pussy had pulsed now that the rude intruder had left. She felt a trickle of cum and lube slide down her legs and she had let it, enjoying the sensation…. “Ohhhh….. that was…. Thanks man”. He had dropped out of character, it was a bit abrupt and it threw Stephanie for a second. “No… keep it up…. That was….”she really had enjoyed it…. “Hey… what are friend’s for?” Stephanie had said, and they had chuckled at this. “I so wanted to fuck her up the ass. She had such a nice ass. But she was all like “eeeewww” and “gross” and “eat my pussy now”. He had opened another beer and a misty look had come over his face. Stephanie had retrieved the panties and slipped them back on, sitting next to him with her legs curled up. She cracked another beer. “ Yeah… but it all went to…. “, he paused and looked over “ You going to get changed?” “No” she had replied taking a swig of beer, “ Feels good in this…. “ He paused….“Can I buy you that dress tomorrow? “ He did. | ||||||
Monday, October 7, 2013, 12:59:19 PM- More beginnings... | ||||||
Aaaand we're back. So onto the teenage years. Frustration, angst, denial, yada yada yada.... let's just say it was generally unpleasant for all concerned. I wasn't an angry young man - just socially awkward, geeky - an early form of "emo" I suppose. Dressing was still a part of my life although I had moved on from mom's things and started acquiring my own stuff. I bought my own panties from department stores - at first making awkward sounding excuses like "oh they're for my girlfriend it's her birthday" until I realized saying nothing at all except "cash please" "yes it's a nice day" and "thank you" was all that was necessary... also not blushing. It still works for me today. Of course I spent a lot of time in my room behind closed doors - usually wearing my favourite pair of panties and stroking my cock to Penthouse forum. Late teens/early 20's were a bit dull. I started getting laid ( hetero ) but still kept up the panty fetish. I told one friend late one drunken night about my dressing and he was cool with it. He would occasionally send me panties and bras from girls he had slept with - loved those care packages. I think the first real time I dressed was when I was apartment sitting for a friend - she lived in kind of a crappy area of the city and didn't like to leave her place empty. The first night I stayed there I had a nice long shower, then dried and began to explore her clothes. She had some very nice lingerie - nothing slutty - all very conservative but really nice quality. I dressed in her panties, bra and pantyhose. Then I put on her fluffy bathrobe and wandered around her place. It felt soo good finally being truly alone. At bedtime I chose a nice nighty and spent a very sweet night. The next night I did the same, but decided to explore her closet. She had plenty of boring business wear, but some nice club wear as well. I chose a short red skirt and a silver blouse to add to my dressing. I felt a bit awkward at first, but the feeling of the skirt brushing against the pantyhose felt awesome. I felt just ... right... And horny. I decided to go down the street to the local video store and rent some porn ( this was pre internet days ). I began to get undressed, but then decided my new found boldness needed to be exploited. I put everything back on, put a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt over it all and went out. I was shaking as I walked down the street - it was a quiet evening, a few cars out, dark and only a couple of pedestrians. At the store I had a moment of panic when a couple of teenage girls came in just as I was about to enter "the back room". Did they know? Could they tell? No - they ignored me and I slipped into the room with my heart going six miles a minute. I chose a couple of promising looking titles, paid and left ( making sure the girls had already left first ). On the way back I took the long way - detouring through a heavily wooded area. The sweatshirt and pants were making me feel a little too normal. Once I found myself out of site of the roads, listening carefully for joggers or more teens, I pulled the sweatpants down and the sweatshirt off. I walked for a little ways, swaying my hips a bit and feeling the material shifting in very interesting ways. I don't think I made it much into the first movie before I came in those panties. Of course on the last day I made pains to dry clean everything and make sure it got back to where it was meant. I kept one pair of her panties though and she never mentioned anything amiss. I never did get to sit again as she got married not long after that. The panties are long gone but every now and then when I find myself in that area of town I like to retrace my route through that little forested area and pretend I'm wearing a pair of white bikini panties and matching scalloped bra, nude pantyhose, a mini red satin skirt and silver lame sleeveless top. Shivers..... | ||||||
Saturday, September 21, 2013, 1:34:24 AM- A Blog? OK - ( so 2000's but alright ...) | ||||||
I thought the Internet was all into microblogging and the twitters and.... . And personal blogs went the way of the Geocities website. Apparently not. Right then... I'm going to try to use this to be an honest blog of exactly where I am in life with the whole "Stephanie" thing. So let's start with "beginnings", shall we? Like so many other gurls I started with Mom's things when I was 12( wow the Internet is great for finding out how much one has in common with others ). I'm not sure how - I was never "girly", but then again I was never "boyish" either. Mom had a nice collection of 1970's Sears catalog underwear ( hesitate to call it lingerie ) that I was fascinated with. Lots of big panties, girdles, bras and pantyhose. I would borrow things on regular occasions and sneak them back to my room. Of course I did eventually get caught once with a bra under my pillow and that was pretty much the end of that. I still remember the "stern talking to"... About the same time my friends and I would organize sleepovers. You know, to sleep over.... Right. No - we were sucking cock like crazy then. We tried a few times to fuck, but it never seemed to work. Finally one night my best friend and I came up with the idea of using hand lotion. I still remember the feeling when I slipped inside his ass and came almost immediately. I really wanted him to fuck me too, but he was way to big for me. He was really patient and gave up - I hope I at least sucked him off ... it's all a bit fuzzy. Sad as - honestly? I'm still a virgin here. Eventually we gave up on that, lost contact and started fucking girls instead ( lost my hetero virginity on Halloween night when I was 18... very anticlimactic - no pun intended ) All through this I had started working on my own lingerie collection. My first pair of panties I found just outside of my school when I was twelve. I remember looking around to see if anyone was watching and scooping them up. I took them home, washed them in the sink and let them dry under my bed. I remember I would put them on when I got home from school, wear them on weekends and wear them to bed. My next additions were a white slip and a pair of pink tights - both found on the side of the road ( was not proud then, but I did wash things out pretty well ). Hah... memories... Fuzzy plastic memories - I've met up with my friend since then but we've never discussed "those nights" since. I would love to hear his version of things and maybe let him finally get a chance to fuck me... | ||||||
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