Gift PremiumAm older CD have been dressing for years love to giv anal pleasuer will keep you orgasming all night up for lots fun oral,both ways am dom but can swich come fell the pleasuer of my cock in harnes xx bondage as welll mmmmmmmmmmm
- Joined 14 years ago
andrewwannts's Blog
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Saturday, March 27, 2010, 6:07:05 AM- Free to Night Satuerday 27th sheffield rotherham acomadated | ||||||
Hi boys girls free to night for oral anal fun sucking and fucking needto be dressed and suck some clitty,s looking for cd tv,s to entertain mail me [email protected] bi for now xxxxxx andrewwannts steffiwannts xxxxx | ||||||
Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 3:09:18 AM- My First Time Age 16 | ||||||
Well i joied navy age 15 and spent first 6 months in baracks all thous boys just in out shower and one big dorme hard not to look, I had had sex with girl,s from school but never looked at boys in this way found my self laying in bed at night HARD and a cock just 3 feet to my left right but could not touch it,Traning finished and we where let out on the town in the pubs of Plymouth, A list was post on board of places not too go one of them was Mr Harrys a Gay club it did not take me long to find it and after some dutch courage on night i told the lads i,d had enough to drink and went in search of the place, at 16 some places in Plymouth let you in others no chance and i looked 16 well in for penny as thay say. the guy on door said no at first but after explaining had had 6 months in barack,s and was suppost meeting mate he said ok it was friday night and the place was packed had been in clubs but this was somthing elles guys with no shits on stroling round all hot sweety, i had droped on it was TV night and guys with stockings on some made up others well was suer thay where girls little did i know. after chating to few boys and older tv at bar tuerned and said to me, What fuck you looking at i must been stairing sorry said you just look so lovly, u taking piss, no but you are she said dount go away stay here, next she was up on stage singing and for 1 hour did not move from that spot she kept looking over as soon as her spot was over she stroled back over said your mine lets go where i said we jumped taxi and stright to her place in back we kissed tounges deep in each other mouths she was convincing but dount know what taxi driver was thinking (normal for Plymouth later found out)it was called NFP it was down staiers flat bed room on right she said, tuerd out she had 2 house mates, i walked in do u want me dressed she said dressed for what, i was 16 would u like me dressed for sex or do u prefer guys, my good i had just twiged i was to fuck this lovly TV i de riged stood ther naked she just slipd out her skirt and now for the first time i gazed on long stocking legs serspenders basque and cami knickers her legs looked even longer in 4 inch stiletos her clit,y as now know it was semi and 7 inch not hard but would be soon good she looked liek goodes and i was to worship every inch of her for the next year (but did not know at time) sliping her clitty out of her cami,s i just gaze,d on well suck it then she said,well did not just suck it i devouerd it loved every inch worked my way up down the full 9" throbing cock per come ozing from its eye i was in heven not to soon she said good she said you are just a lad arent you how old u any way 16 shit that young, its ok i want to be here, fuck it she said, with in minets of her taking hold of my cock it was spraying spunk every where i lay back as she give me the best blow job ever and my first, she reach over to side bed and apllyed large dolop of cream on my ass her finger slid in me up to hilt then a nother 2 was all i could take and with in minets was HARD again good your tight u never had anal no never had it like this u ever fucked pussy ones said reel pussy girl,y ass pussy hoping to i said she just smiled the biggist smile ever seen off come the cam,is more cream on her pussy her legs spred wide finger me first she said open me its been few days her clitty stuck up tall and hard thiers dildos in bed side draw as well if you come to quick, for what i said after fingering and sucking for good 10 min she said get your cock up me fuck me now i pushed at her ring it would not go at first then sudunly just up it went slid past the ring and was in fucking my first puussy she wraped her legs round me when tell u she said wank me and dount pull out just fill me with spunk u can rim me later if want to taste it of course just as you say well cant say i fucked her for hours as lasted about 3/4 minets i was out breth screming as my orgasam burst pumping my little cock in her tranny fanny runing from me fuck she said wan me now of course i did and she gushed forth spraying me with spunk i fell forwar kiss me she said our lips mouths tounges to gether our bodies all hot the silky stockings her black lace basque coverd in spunk she rolled over ass in air rim me now what said get your tounge up my ass and make me come if your luckey you can fuck me agin later well we did 3 more times she got me hard and drain every last drop of my spunk i said all night and in morning we sucked fucked each other, do you want leave befor i change she said No ok she transformed back to guy and we went out to meet the other house mates who wher gay and that became start of very happy time, i was passed round most the seen in plymouth and love every min of it but still went back to fuck my first mmmmmm THIS IS MY FIRST ON HERE SO SORRY BIT LONG I NEED TO GET IT OUT AS IT HAPPEND | ||||||
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