iv had a load of fun lookin at this site ( and NN) ... lov all your bodys... bi, gay, tran, straight, cross dress... love you all... too hot.. iv always had just a few pics of me up... also my girl.. sorry ,but i am marrided to a girl, LOV TO TRADE FOR A BOSTON BOI!!! anyway , but i recon they are hot pics... also some bi guys may like the pics...( we are on NN same name..) just got me a cam cam thing,, it seams to work good, when theres good lighting,,, iv been practsing with it, and almost got it sust-out... iv been co-masterbating on NN , but never yet been on and hookd up on NBN...please send a PM... & see wot can happen.. ps i lov the feeling as my loads gushes up and out of my rideged prick...