Gift PremiumSo much going on behind the obvious. I'm willing to try and retry if i like it. Not one to pass judgement or lie or hurt anyone...
- Joined 17 years ago
manlycornhusk's Blog
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Thursday, November 22, 2007, 11:48:24 AM- I wish a Happy Thanksgiving..................... | ||||||
Sounds like the beginning of the standard "happy holiday" greeting. The truth's a little more personal than that. This will be another gathering that entails sitting there and putting on the persona that is expected of me. The half-person that is comfortable, safe for others to know. The hetersexual family man who likes white bread, drives a family sedan, works a respectable job, pays his taxes and the myriad of other indicators of middle of the road guys world wide. Hidden is the open, sexually experimental person that thinks intimacy without gender boundries is good and enjoyable. One who knows that passion isn't limited to opposites but to mentalities. Just once, I'd like to be who I really am. Yes, I believe women are amazing creatures but I also know that men and transgendered are canvases worth admiring, as well. I'm comfortable caressing a breast or plunging into a sweet, wet pussy but I also crave the taste and texture of a cock sliding aross my tongue. So, therefore...I wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who live an honest life and I wish, for myself, the same... | ||||||
Tuesday, October 9, 2007, 9:29:40 AM- Much appreciated | ||||||
I think it's awesome that some of you have stopped by and spent a little time reading my blog. From the looks of things around here, blogging isn't a big concern. Maybe I should explain why it's important to me. This site, as well as it's sister site are, on the surface, all about how much flesh you can show and who you can blow. After you're around a while, you start to see that underneath it all is a community of people that actually believe in the lifestyle and want to share that with others of similar ilk. How better to do that than to share some of yourself, open yourself up to critital evaluation and to interact with others. Thusly, I blog, therefore I am, I am, therefore I blog. If you get to know me you will soon see that surface impressions are not what I'm all about. My sexuality isn't just physical, it has depth and width not hinted at in a naked photo. Sure, gratuitious sex is exciting and satisfying in the moment, but what about after. It rings hollow, these long list of one night conquests because they have no future value. Ok, I'm preaching again..sorry. I know there's people that live for the fling but I'm not one of them. I want to know a person, I want to laugh with them, dream and scheme with them. I want them to know that they aren't just a convenient pitstop on the highway of life. I have to feel it or it becomes cheapened to me. Anyways...that's just apologies offered about who I am. | ||||||
Saturday, October 6, 2007, 8:03:57 PM- Introductions are in order | ||||||
Although I've flirted with this site in the past...I'm going to give it a more purposeful try. I have a tendency to become introspective and sometimes poetic and always longwinded, wink. So, here goes nothing. I will not habitually write about sexual exploits and refuse to be "in your face" graphic in my descriptions. I don't think that is what we are looking for in the end. Sexuality is literally and metaphysically a slippery subject. It's sad that we have to label ourselves to fit into one category or another. If I'm anything...I'm Trysexual. I think the act of sex is, in itself, self-contained. It doesn't need boundries or moralization. It simply needs to be pleasurable and consensual. We pass laws governing what we can and can't do in public but the activities between consenting adults is really no business of politicians. Personally, I think politicians pass these laws as a form of smokescreen to cover their own sexual politics. Make it illegal for same gender to marry so no-one suspects that you love the feel of a cock in your mouth. It's so ridiculous. Ahhh, I warned you...long winded. If I get carried away, simply kick the soapbox from underneath me. Once I'm down on my knees...well, we'll have to see, won't we. It's a pleasure to share with you..don't hesitate to type back... | ||||||
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