
Gift Premium

Hi, I'm ''Satinstud'', I'm a sweet blond cross-dressing guy with a BIG heart. People-loving person with some Viking genes, streetwise philosopher, tailor, painter, musician / DJ, writer, and bon vivant. Seriously into crossdressing since probably 1984. I'm wild about garter belts, to me they're the centre of gravity of my lingerie fetish and crossdressing. I like to fiddle around with soft, shiny fabrics, preferably lace-trimmed. After years and years of keeping it for myself, I've decided to go and publish some of that material here and there on the internet. Have a look; And; (although I'm not sure if I'm allowed to plant this link here, but we'll see) I hope you'll enjoy my pictures as much as I do! Please feel free to leave a comment, I would really appreciate it... Cheers, Satinstud

  • This member has been with us 15 years or more! (Joined 17.9 years ago)Identity Verified
  • 50 years old
  • Male
  • Joined 17 years ago

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