First of all I hate labels so label me anyway you want anything you want I wont or refuse to label anybody anything. I am me and you are you we are all human that's all that matters. Firstly I am a veteran I fought in two deployments I survived its in the past that's where it stays I am 31 a college graduate I am not working in my field yet and I am not sure if I ever will I am at peace with that. My parents were poor and I am poor too money to me has no value life does I find value in everybody, everybody is a universe in their selves I read in order for you to know yourself you have to know others the more you learn and open yourself up to others you open yourself up to learn about yourself even more than that you have much more meaningful lasting relationships because youre inhibitions aren't deflected onto others thats including any witheld inner rage you held for many years that you never got rid of or opened up about its so sad many people close themselves up like a vault and never ever open up.
Well everybody I repeat everybody is welcome to open up here just write and I will talk to anybody I am a friend to everyone and everybody is welcome in my blog just don't message or behave in a respectful way, pay the respect you think expect you are entitled. |