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US age unknown
Joined 17 years ago
Last login 3 years ago
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My NTN Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Girls & Guys
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Member Since:19-May-07
Last Logged In:19-Apr-21
Location:Indiana, United States
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Self Description
razz46 : So, three years in and still no picture! Dotty, c'mon, sharing is caring! Best for the new year!
(5 years ago)
razz46 : Thanks again for taking the time to make me feel good about being on this site. I do love your comments!
(6 years ago)
razz46 : So, it's a year later and still no picture! Will I ever get any satisfaction!
(6 years ago)
knottie : 70 yo cock tastes SOOO good!
(7 years ago)
razz46 : Welcome back......
(7 years ago)
razz46 : Haven't seen your voice in a week or so - hope you were out having a good time with someone...
(7 years ago)
razz46 : Again, thanks for taking the time. It's much appreciated.
(7 years ago)
georgette_usa : Thank You for all the votes, on my old pics. Maybe I should post some new.
(8 years ago)
Slut_Jeanine : TYVM for checking out so many of my photos earlier tonight, you horny rascal, U& leaving me your hot sexy comments; it turns me on knowing you're getting so hot looking at them, either by mkyself or with a friend, ^_^ !!!
(8 years ago)
EleeMay : Thanks for rating my pic gurl
(8 years ago)
hardmanin : Hey Dotty, you've been a member here for over 5 years now,fill in your fucking profile wanker.......................
(11 years ago)