
CH age unknown
Joined 19 years ago
Last login 6 years ago
Je suis amateur uro
My NTN Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Guys
Am Seeking:A gay guy
Marital Status:Single
Member Since:16-Jun-05
Last Logged In:12-Sep-17
Location:vaud, Switzerland
Star Sign:
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Is Looking For:Anything!
Other:piss piss
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Self Description
hotnsexy : thank u babe so much. We make such a perfect couple together you and me. I love you alot and really really miss you!
(11 years ago)
hotnsexy : you are the gorgous man of my dreams, i wanna get married and be your husband, i want u to be my husband! i enjoyed sucking your cock and making love to you.
(11 years ago)
hotnsexy : i would luv to be with you. i need a husband to marry and you are beautiful and i miss you alot babe!! You and me are a gorgous couple together and would love to marry u someday my love!! I miss you alot!!!!
(11 years ago)
hotnsexy : hi sexy
(11 years ago)